
Thinking about doing my first cycle


New member
Good day. I'm thinking about doing my first cycle. I'm 5' 11" naturally skinny. Started at 120lbs now up to 190lbs. That's after years of training. I'm 25 years. I changed diet and training but still can't get to where I want to be. I want to get bigger. Not into aesthetics. More of a big body thing. More bodybuilding style. If anyone can give me thoughts and what to use and how to use, I'd very much appreciate it. Thanks.
Good day. I'm thinking about doing my first cycle. I'm 5' 11" naturally skinny. Started at 120lbs now up to 190lbs. That's after years of training. I'm 25 years. I changed diet and training but still can't get to where I want to be. I want to get bigger. Not into aesthetics. More of a big body thing. More bodybuilding style. If anyone can give me thoughts and what to use and how to use, I'd very much appreciate it. Thanks.

at 25 i would be hesitant to use steroids yet... your closer to a more acceptable age but i would advise waiting a few more years... i have a great sarms stack to get you started that can really help you to start progressing and adding nice clean size.. if your not familiar with sarms, start by reading my articles here...

here are the links for everything you need followed by the layout..

-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
if i may ask, i understand what you're saying. thanks alot. i want to ask, if i want to use a testosterone, i was thinking about test-e or test cyp... what would be your views and your choice? also, what would be your dosing and steps in usage, like estrogen blocker, pct, etc.

i have been training like 6-7 years now.
if i may ask, i understand what you're saying. thanks alot. i want to ask, if i want to use a testosterone, i was thinking about test-e or test cyp... what would be your views and your choice? also, what would be your dosing and steps in usage, like estrogen blocker, pct, etc.

i have been training like 6-7 years now.
It has nothing to do with training. It has to do with the development of your body and endocrine system.

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i follow what you are saying. was just saying the 6-7 years to let him know i've been in this a decent time. that was supposed to be included in my first message just forgot to mention it.

but as i asked, if i wants to run a test, either test-e or test-cyp, what would you recommend and the dosage etc. ??
Another im gonna ask for advice but what i really mean to say is im gonna do this no matter what can you agree with me and tell me what i want to hear

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Another im gonna ask for advice but what i really mean to say is im gonna do this no matter what can you agree with me and tell me what i want to hear

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Yea not sure why I even responsd at this point.

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Another im gonna ask for advice but what i really mean to say is im gonna do this no matter what can you agree with me and tell me what i want to hear

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Exactly thats why i didnt even bother
its not that im going to it no matter what you all say. i dont know if i will even ever do a cycle. also, the stack you told me about or even other test, would it show up and affect a medical done by a company for a job?
its not that im going to it no matter what you all say. i dont know if i will even ever do a cycle. also, the stack you told me about or even other test, would it show up and affect a medical done by a company for a job?

No neither steroids or sarms would show on a test
ok, thanks. another question. if i continue training without any use to these things and at age 28 or so, would you still recommend using sarms or steroid?
i am still worried about the medical test for a job.

about the stak you told me about, that is injectable, oral, ??
also, i am from the caribbean so, shipping would be??
Do sarms. Its a great way to get your feet wet with out a lot of the shutdown that aas causes. You can get great gains if your meal plan and weight training is on point. Its how i started. I learned a lot that helped me later on when i started doing aas

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Sarms are definitely the better route for you at this point. It's a good way to introduce yourself to the world of anabolics as it is, and you are still a little on the young side. I think you would be very pleased with the results you could achieve from a good solid sarms stack. Dylan gave you a great one, and everything can be shipped to you in the Caribbean no problem at all. Sarmsx ships all over the world through some of the toughest customs

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
ok, thanks. another question. if i continue training without any use to these things and at age 28 or so, would you still recommend using sarms or steroid?
i am still worried about the medical test for a job.

about the stak you told me about, that is injectable, oral, ??
also, i am from the caribbean so, shipping would be??

i would recommend sarms at any time... they are different than steroids... 28 is not bad to start... i like everyone to be in their later 20's or early 30's...

the sarms stack is all oral and shipping is just fine to the caribbean... i wouldn't know the cost, you would have to email customer service... everything can be shipped to you with no problem
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