
The sustanon/deca guy

Dude, If your here asking for help and advice from these guys, why would you not take it. Your a tiny guy (55kg) from what I understand if this is the same Sust/Deca guy from India.
I posted the exact same thing at first. I wanted to run Sust/Deca/Winstrol for first cycle. Glad I didnt, the Sust was plenty at 375mg a week.

Also if you've been training for 1 year and considering AAS your fucked. Your young dude, what's the rush? Your whole life is ahead of you. Go as long as you can natty.

Please Jimmy read my comments on the first page. I've been training for 3 years naturally and I'm 86 kg right now, I also posted a picture of me on page 1 :D
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