First post here,
Just wanted to introduce myself. I've been searching isarms for quite a while now. Let me just say, this place is hands down the best on the web. Seems to be troll free and lots of people with some good advice. Looking forward to learning more and hopefully you guys can learn a thing or two from me as well. I feel like I know a majority of you already just by reading the posts overtime. I'm a former college athlete, so my training is all about getting stronger and faster, while staying lean. Good to finally be apart of the isarms fam
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Just wanted to introduce myself. I've been searching isarms for quite a while now. Let me just say, this place is hands down the best on the web. Seems to be troll free and lots of people with some good advice. Looking forward to learning more and hopefully you guys can learn a thing or two from me as well. I feel like I know a majority of you already just by reading the posts overtime. I'm a former college athlete, so my training is all about getting stronger and faster, while staying lean. Good to finally be apart of the isarms fam
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