
The New Guy Lectures New Guys (Bold of me, I know)

So I actually have just started cycle form a local source. Here is how you find a local source.
I can not promise this will work for you, but it did for me and has worked for many things in my life.
I suspect most of you have never done anything illicit at all. If it was drugs of use or abuse I would just go to Hipster Land or East Methtown or whatever and get solicited to. By the way I'm very sure the law does not sell things - that is entrapment - I think. Someone help me on this.
They want to buy from you. That is the crime those water cooler dictators and fanatical ass clowns want to trap you in.
TALK TO EVERYONE. Loose your fucked up politics and make friends with people. Understand peoples truth to their lives.
Earn respect by being kind, open and honest.
Show them your dedication. I had some nasty injuries and when I could only lift 5 pounds I lifted 5 pounds. Six days a week and I slowly healed.
Walk right up to people and say what will it cost for some training. PAY IT. It may lead to something it may not.
And guess what I met my local source!!! Someone I trust and who trusts me.
And he set me up with Oxandrolone and Equipose. He just didn't try to sell me product that would fuck me up without giving a shit about my health.
I knew what I was getting and he knew that these were very good choices for me as well.
Oh yeah, My wife knows and paid for my cycle. Especially after reading and watching isarms on you tube.
She wants me to be strong and healthy. If you are creeping around like a creepy creep goof. People can smell that.
Then I joined the forum!!!

Sounds like an excellent strategy....

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Hell yea, now all I have to do is talk to everyone about my illegal AAS use and I can get a source in my hometown who'll roll over on me when he gets busted...Sounds great
It may sound like theyre being harsh but all these guys are looking out for is your safety believe it or not. Dont be so promiscuous with whom you trust. Not in this, the AAas world. Be careful, good luck to ya bro.

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Trust is earned not given hombre. I hope this didn't happen to you but people do that shit all the time when they think they got some sucker that can feed their pockets. Whether it's in the AAS world or not business is business and most people are easily motivated by a quick buck

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But the real question is how much did you pay for it all? How many bottles/caps?

Is this guy really your friend or is he reselling you gear that he gets from his source, but instead he just calls himself the source.

You probably didn't think about this but illicit drug sales work the same way. I may not be the source but I hold a consistent supply of what the source has, so i can lie and tell randoms that I am the source although im charging them 3x what the source charges me. Then i use that money to buy a cheeseburger and more illicit items that i can sell to my "friends".

I mean did the guy show you his full setup and everything? Did you get to see the raws he keeps inside of his safe? Text you a few pics of his autoclave he downloaded off google? (Lol jk)

There is no way you would be able to tell if this guy really operates a successful UGL or if he just buys his gear from another UGL he found on the internet. Have you even ran this gear before? This guy could have emptied those bottles months ago and refilled them with sterile oil....or not so sterile oil which is even worse.

I could keep going.
This could have literally been his first brew ever and the guy was too scared to pin it himself because it was made in his kitchen so he pawned it off to you at a great price to see if you would die or not.
But the real question is how much did you pay for it all? How many bottles/caps?

Is this guy really your friend or is he reselling you gear that he gets from his source, but instead he just calls himself the source.

You probably didn't think about this but illicit drug sales work the same way. I may not be the source but I hold a consistent supply of what the source has, so i can lie and tell randoms that I am the source although im charging them 3x what the source charges me. Then i use that money to buy a cheeseburger and more illicit items that i can sell to my "friends".

I mean did the guy show you his full setup and everything? Did you get to see the raws he keeps inside of his safe? Text you a few pics of his autoclave he downloaded off google? (Lol jk)

There is no way you would be able to tell if this guy really operates a successful UGL or if he just buys his gear from another UGL he found on the internet. Have you even ran this gear before? This guy could have emptied those bottles months ago and refilled them with sterile oil....or not so sterile oil which is even worse.

I could keep going.

This could have literally been his first brew ever and the guy was too scared to pin it himself because it was made in his kitchen so he pawned it off to you at a great price to see if you would die or not.

All great points^

The last time I got some Test from a face-to-face transaction was 1987,from some dude I knew from HS.I'll stick with the trusted & proven sources here.They've been doing alright by me for the past year or so.
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