So I actually have just started cycle form a local source. Here is how you find a local source.
I can not promise this will work for you, but it did for me and has worked for many things in my life.
I suspect most of you have never done anything illicit at all. If it was drugs of use or abuse I would just go to Hipster Land or East Methtown or whatever and get solicited to. By the way I'm very sure the law does not sell things - that is entrapment - I think. Someone help me on this.
They want to buy from you. That is the crime those water cooler dictators and fanatical ass clowns want to trap you in.
TALK TO EVERYONE. Loose your fucked up politics and make friends with people. Understand peoples truth to their lives.
Earn respect by being kind, open and honest.
Show them your dedication. I had some nasty injuries and when I could only lift 5 pounds I lifted 5 pounds. Six days a week and I slowly healed.
Walk right up to people and say what will it cost for some training. PAY IT. It may lead to something it may not.
And guess what I met my local source!!! Someone I trust and who trusts me.
And he set me up with Oxandrolone and Equipose. He just didn't try to sell me product that would fuck me up without giving a shit about my health.
I knew what I was getting and he knew that these were very good choices for me as well.
Oh yeah, My wife knows and paid for my cycle. Especially after reading and watching isarms on you tube.
She wants me to be strong and healthy. If you are creeping around like a creepy creep goof. People can smell that.
Then I joined the forum!!!
Sounds like an excellent strategy....
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