
The Bulgarian Workout


Active member
I hear this term a lot at the gym and was wondering what exactly is it, or if anyone has tried it.
Its a workout developed and used by the Bulgarians when the Cold War was going on. Its pretty much a powerlifting or Oly lifting type workout, its brutal. The program had something like 90% attrition rate and these guys where on state sponsored gear. Nobody really runs the true Bulgarian workout unless your job was to lift weights. Basically the premise is to lift heavy shit all day near maxes almost all day long. No music no being hyped up nothing is allowed. It also almost awlays revolves around the competition lifts not much deviation other than a deviation of that lift.

Legend has it that the Bulgarians where so strict about the program that one of the state sponsored lifters got caught curling the bar and was arrested for destruction of Government property. That is how strict they where. It has a cult following because some of the strongest men came from Bulgaria.
I am Bulgarian myself but, around here, most people who lift haven't heard about it. It's a system of training for olympic lifters that was developed by famous coach Ivan Abadjiev. It includes multiple workouts throughout the day, almost every day of the week, and doesn't seem to be suitable for natural lifters.
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