
The best stack for woman looking to build muscle and raise Lobito?


New member
I was posed this question from my brother who's wife is going hard in the gym but not in bed. She had an ectopic pregnancy a year or so ago and had that tube (fallopian tube) removed and as a result no Lobito. So is there a stack that would help her make gains and raise her Lobito? Thanks in advance .
Re: RE: The best stack for woman looking to build muscle and raise Lobito?

Lexlutha said:
I was posed this question from my brother who's wife is going hard in the gym but not in bed. She had an ectopic pregnancy a year or so ago and had that tube (fallopian tube) removed and as a result no Lobito. So is there a stack that would help her make gains and raise her Lobito? Thanks in advance .
Sarms are a great option for females to build muscle because they are so effective and safe, but I'm not sure what is going to help her libido situation. Some see a rise in libido with sarms, but many do not, and even AAS can be hit or miss when it comes to libido effects on women. That's really not a great reason to use AAS anyways, as many can have negative side effects on women
i would venture to guess that she could raise her "libido" (sorry but your spelling is making me LOL) by releasing endorphins and the gym is a perfect way to do so... adding a sarms stack will help her in the gym as well as building muscle and dropping fat in the process... that would be the best recommendation... she definitely does not want to use steroids for that which will eventually leave here worse off than before... here is the stack i would put her on...

1-14 GW-501516 20 mg day
1-12 s4 50 mg day
1-12 mk-2866 12.5 mg day first 2 weeks then bump to 25 mg
It is said that the elevated levels of the female hormone progesterone can increase sex drive in a woman and decrease it in men. Thats not to say I would suggest any woman take a nandrolone or progestogenic aas, just seen it published in medical journals on progesterone studies. Id look for natural ways to increase sex drive or consult a doctor.
Also, not to be a dick, but this scenario kind of reminds me of the age old "head ache" often associated with married couples that lost the lust. But Keep us posted! Im interested in this topic
If you find anything for that female libido that actually works, let me know! After 11 years of marriage, I could use all the help I can get!
RickRock said:
If you find anything for that female libido that actually works, let me know! After 11 years of marriage, I could use all the help I can get!

U know whats funny. One of my buddies for fun had his wife try 25mg of test cyp a week. And he said he couldnt keep her off his dick she was so horny. Lol.

RickRock said:
If you find anything for that female libido that actually works, let me know! After 11 years of marriage, I could use all the help I can get!

U know whats funny. One of my buddies for fun had his wife try 25mg of test cyp a week. And he said he couldnt keep her off his dick she was so horny. Lol.


I just happen to have a TON of Test Cypionate lying around too! Hmmmm
Bio-Tech said:
RickRock said:
If you find anything for that female libido that actually works, let me know! After 11 years of marriage, I could use all the help I can get!

^^^This 100%^^^

This has actually been proven in studies. A happy side effect of MTII is a noticeable increase in libido, both in men and women. And for men, pinning 2-3iu will produce boners that Viagra/Cialis can't come close to mimicking. These MTII boners can last in excess of 8 hours, but be warned - they are not stimuli dependant like those achieved via Viagra/Cialis. Your erection will be fully present within minutes of pinning and at full throttle. If I have some serious work to put in I'll drop a little Viagra/Cialis combo and sneak off to the bathroom for a quick dose of MTII just before its time to get to it. Then she better buckle up cause it's about to pop off in a way that could win awards.

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Re: RE: Re: The best stack for woman looking to build muscle and raise Lobito?

prestigealaska said:
Bio-Tech said:
"RickRock" said:
If you find anything for that female libido that actually works, let me know! After 11 years of marriage, I could use all the help I can get!

^^^This 100%^^^

This has actually been proven in studies. A happy side effect of MTII is a noticeable increase in libido, both in men and women. And for men, pinning 2-3iu will produce boners that Viagra/Cialis can't come close to mimicking. These MTII boners can last in excess of 8 hours, but be warned - they are not stimuli dependant like those achieved via Viagra/Cialis. Your erection will be fully present within minutes of pinning and at full throttle. If I have some serious work to put in I'll drop a little Viagra/Cialis combo and sneak off to the bathroom for a quick dose of MTII just before its time to get to it. Then she better buckle up cause it's about to pop off in a way that could win awards.

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Wow, that's very interesting. I didn't know that MT2 had such an effect on women, and I also didn't realize it would give you erections without being aroused. Good information to know!!
My wife had a hysterectomy about five years ago. After that it seemed like she never wanted to have sex and she was losing her mind. She always thought I was cheating on her. She cried all the time or want to argue. After several arguments I talked her into seeing my TRT doctor and it took about six months but her hormones were way out of whack now she acts normal and wants to have sex every day. I'm not sure what all she takes. But I know they had to do a lot of blood work to figure out what was wrong with her. Well worth it though. I do know she take progesterone.

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Re: RE: Re: The best stack for woman looking to build muscle and raise Lobito?

RickRock said:
prestigealaska said:
Bio-Tech said:
"RickRock" said:
If you find anything for that female libido that actually works, let me know! After 11 years of marriage, I could use all the help I can get!

^^^This 100%^^^

This has actually been proven in studies. A happy side effect of MTII is a noticeable increase in libido, both in men and women. And for men, pinning 2-3iu will produce boners that Viagra/Cialis can't come close to mimicking. These MTII boners can last in excess of 8 hours, but be warned - they are not stimuli dependant like those achieved via Viagra/Cialis. Your erection will be fully present within minutes of pinning and at full throttle. If I have some serious work to put in I'll drop a little Viagra/Cialis combo and sneak off to the bathroom for a quick dose of MTII just before its time to get to it. Then she better buckle up cause it's about to pop off in a way that could win awards.

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Wow, that's very interesting. I didn't know that MT2 had such an effect on women, and I also didn't realize it would give you erections without being aroused. Good information to know!!

Check this video, specifically at the 4:42 mark:

It also mentions the appetite suppression qualities of MTII, which is something I can attest to as well. Very interesting designer peptide, for sure. For gingers like myself it is truly a scientific phenomenon. I had never been truly tan in my life until I started using MTII, and I'm talking deliciously golden brown. People are always asking me how I'm so tan in the dead of winter. Love it. And it's so cheap! I buy it from You can use coupon code usapep for a small discount.
prestigealaska said:
Bio-Tech said:
RickRock said:
If you find anything for that female libido that actually works, let me know! After 11 years of marriage, I could use all the help I can get!

^^^This 100%^^^

This has actually been proven in studies. A happy side effect of MTII is a noticeable increase in libido, both in men and women. And for men, pinning 2-3iu will produce boners that Viagra/Cialis can't come close to mimicking. These MTII boners can last in excess of 8 hours, but be warned - they are not stimuli dependant like those achieved via Viagra/Cialis. Your erection will be fully present within minutes of pinning and at full throttle. If I have some serious work to put in I'll drop a little Viagra/Cialis combo and sneak off to the bathroom for a quick dose of MTII just before its time to get to it. Then she better buckle up cause it's about to pop off in a way that could win awards.

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thanks for pointing this out... this is very true! i read about this as well... it works on men and women both at a very high level... nice post bro!
Thanks for all the input but she's seeing a doctor about it but she doesn't want to take an AAS. My brother took her for a weekend to Glencove Mansion and Boom! She was an animal from what I hear. Like some of you said probably marriage related and the spark went out. Lol My wife is over 10 yrs younger than me so I'm taking preventative measures :D
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