So I have played around a lot with Dextrose, Maltodextrin, Karbolyn etc...
In my opinion, for what its worth, I believe that a simple sugar is best used Intra-Workout not post workout. I am not saying that it can not be used Post-Workout because I have done it BUT it depends on for what purpose. Simple sugars are simply absorbed into the blood stream after passing through the stomach. The sugar level then rises in your body and causes your Pancreas to produce Insulin. Then and only then when Insulin is elevated the Sugar is forced into your cells for energy.
That being said if you are trying to counter balance an Insulin injection (10 grams per 1 iu) then sure a simple sugar would be needed to help with that depending on injection time (generally Insulin is best injected pre-workout). If this is not the case then the optimal time to ingest a simple sugar would be pre and intra workout. Pre for energy, and intra to cause a spike in Insulin levels and force whatever other supplements are in your Intra-Workout drink (EAA's, bcaa's, creatine, glutamine etc...).
Lastly, there have been tons of studies done to support what I am about to say. Pure Karbolyn is far superior of a product than Glucose, Dextrose, and Maltodextrin. The main reason is because Pure Karbolyn passes through the stomach at a far superior rate and the majority of it is forced into the cells while the other 3 a large amount is absorbed in the stomach. That is why when these products like Maltodextrin came out on the market in the early 2000's people were getting bloated as fuck and having horrible gas issues. It is almost unbearable.
I will leave some information below regarding Karbolyn and the benefits. Like I said this is based on the research I have done and own personal experience I have had over the past 20 years or so.
What is Karbolyn®?
Karbolyn® is a homopolysaccharide. (relatively complex carbohydrate). Karbolyn® is made up of many monosaccharides joined together by glycosidic bonds. These are very large bonds that are branched macromolecules. The "Molecular Mass" has been precisely manipulated to create absorption through the stomach at a rate much greater than maltodextrin, dextrose, breads, pasta, rice or any other carb product on the market.
Karbolyn® is a patent pending carbohydrate that contains very unique properties. Because Karbolyn® passes through the stomach very quickly, it acts like a pump, pulling water and nutrients along with it. This high tech carbohydrates actually moves through the stomach 18.21% faster than dextrose or sugar. Karbolyn® also has a Higher Solution Osmolarity than Dextrose, Sucrose or other carb powder mixes on the market. This is due to the unique properties found in the patent pending process. Karbolyn® is completely sugar free.
Karbolyn®'s other main feature is its sustain energy levels.
Karbolyn® is produced using a newly developed "Enzymatic Milling Process". The food source to produce the Karbolyn® is corn, potato & rice. The finished product is a modified molecular mass polysaccharide that is absorbed very quickly with out any side effects, stomach bloating or discomfort plus it mixes instantly.