
The 44 checks out MGP Tren Ace 100

Am somehow very concern you know what burnt rhino asshole smells like! Lolol please do not clear that up! Somethings are best left to mystery................

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Bro you're the original Mr. Nasty Time... I only tried to keep up with your level of exotic erotica by incorporating wild animals lol. Don't ask me how the rhino's asshole got friction burn tho... I was drunk.
Bro you're the original Mr. Nasty Time... I only tried to keep up with your level of exotic erotica by incorporating wild animals lol. Don't ask me how the rhino's asshole got friction burn tho... I was drunk.

Lololololololol! Now there is visual! Gee, thanx man!

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Thanks 44....I enjoyed your review. Great work on the video. I appreciate that you told it like you see it.
Thanks 44....I enjoyed your review. Great work on the video. I appreciate that you told it like you see it.

Not a problem Thin. To offer your gear to be either praised, or scrutinized says a lot. Not everyone is willing to do so and that says a lot about your resilience to stay around and provide ppl reliability and quality. You know how it is bro, either they love ya, or they hate ya... the key is to get them to try you and win them over.
Just to solidify 44's review, I had to crack into a vial of MGP's test cyp last night. First time injecting his gear. Pinned 1.5ml into the left quad. Smooth as silk. Zero pip today. 👍

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I'm gonna jump on his tren n few months myself I'm run bing his test e 250 and deca 200 n man u can't get 20mls of deca anywhere else for his price man ita incredible I'm sure he wI'll have to go up I just hope he tells up so I cam load the fuck up on some unbelievably underpriced greatly dosed top knotch gear man KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK THIN D. I'VE BEEN holpeeing since the beginning it's good 2 goo but I'm newer to the forums lol just one voice but my buddy is runNing 500mgs a week of his test e only aND getting his blood done he will just b 3 weeks n to his cycle said already waking up with morning woodn Ill have the results to post on February 8th and the n 4 months he has to get it taken again because of some medication the have to do blood work before they prescribe it for acne so 4 weeks from the 8th he will b 7 r 8 weeks deep n his cycle at 500 a week n our numbera will tell all
In 4 weeks from the 8th he will get his blood drew again*** not 4 months typo thosw will b thin ds bread n butter make r brake I'm 1000 percent sure it's just gonna make I don't see thin d breaking anytime soon u got it going g on brother keeping us supplied thank u my man
Bumping so ya'll don't forget me.

Mot forgotten dude! Tonight I just put in service request for your Tren E and EQ 300!!! Looking forward to awesome gains!!

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