
The $4 vial of test


Often members of one of the other forums will send us an email asking for some free stuff, either to run a log, sponsor them in a show or just because they got tons of juice head friends and own a gym and they are also a personal trainer so it could be great for business, or so they tell me. Once I say no I will very often hear how it should not be a big deal because test only costs us $4 a bottle. I say that is an insanely short sighted and ignorant way to look at things. The reason they think that is the case is that they think like a homebrewer, they can get 100g test e, use 2.5g to make each vial and will end up with 4 vials, since they get their 100g for $160 it breaks down to $4 per vial. They really forget that their are expenses and pretty heavy overhead to running any business and this one is no different.

We have to pay and pay for

receivers (2 different kinds)
chems ( ba and bb are no big deal really but when you get into eo and guaiacol they are very expensive)
stoppers and caps
website design and maintenance
tech support, especially since our server is across the world
separate and autonomous trash removal

And those are only the things I feel comfortable talking about, in general between reps, contests, promos and reships we give away all the free stuff we really can, i'm not saying it's not worth it because we do well but not as well as we would if each vial of test was really worth $4. As far as i'm concerned each vial of each compound is worth whatever it is listed at because if we don't give it away someone is going to buy it at that price, so anything we lose or give away is the loss of the retail price. it's just another one of those myths that I hate, the ones that make us all look like some greedy hand wringing schisters sitting on our yachts petting our fluffy white cats trying to dream up new ways to screw customers. I can assure you it is nothing like that!
Haha. Great post. I have a fluffy white cat too.
Some people are ignorant ad fuck. Tell them if its $4 a vial to make their own. They must be smart enough to brew quality sterile gear since they have all the logistics so accurately figured.
Ya people just dont understand what it takes to do this. We arnt just raking it in. They assume we are all just rich and stack our cash.

Personally for me i put as much back into the biz to upgrade processes and make everything as perfect as it can be. That takes money.

I wish more customers would realize what it is we do to provide what they get.

People need to understand this is a business, and you don't go to Safeway and try to get discounts because you know allot of people so why here. Expdom, I feel youre pain bro.. It's like the same dumb ass question every person asks when your washing your car, "wanna do mine next?" Come on, guess it was funny 4 people ago
I can tell you this though. If customers conti ue to abuse our good nature. Discounts amd freebies and other help will stop.

I can tell you this though. If customers conti ue to abuse our good nature. Discounts amd freebies and other help will stop.


I got two real winners recently, one guy sent me an email saying he didnt' get his package, I checked the tracker and it said delivered, He was a pretty good customer so I said look, We will never agree to a reship but i'll send you the same $ amount out of my stash to make up for it and give you the benefit of the doubt and you will be the last customer I ever do this for because delivered is delivered. So that package has since been delivered, Today he sent me an email saying he had a claim with usps and it said the original pack was delivered to the wrong address, the address looks like it would be about 3 houses away, he also said he demands a full refund because it's our fault even though I already made up for it the first time and didn't have to. I checked the order and what we have is the correct address so maybe usps just delivered to the wrong address, it was never marked return to sender so I have a feeling his neighbor gave it to him and he's just trying to run game.

next winner was about a week ago, I remember 2 months ago he sent me an email with a sob story about losing his house and hospital bills and asked me to front him a pack, I said I can't do that and you really shouldn't be running the stuff if you don't have the money. Next week all of a sudden he came up with the money, So last week he sent me an email saying there was mold growing in his test prop, This is very unlikely for a few reasons, for one the ba would prevent it, for two it would be a statistical miracle for him to get the only 2 moldy vials of test prop out of a batch of 250 and an even bigger statistical anomaly for him to get the only two moldy vials of test prop ever. I asked him to send them to one of my reps and never heard anything more from him. Both of these guys were good customers at one time but when they think they see an opportunity they will take it sometimes no matter how petty
I got two real winners recently, one guy sent me an email saying he didnt' get his package, I checked the tracker and it said delivered, He was a pretty good customer so I said look, We will never agree to a reship but i'll send you the same $ amount out of my stash to make up for it and give you the benefit of the doubt and you will be the last customer I ever do this for because delivered is delivered. So that package has since been delivered, Today he sent me an email saying he had a claim with usps and it said the original pack was delivered to the wrong address, the address looks like it would be about 3 houses away, he also said he demands a full refund because it's our fault even though I already made up for it the first time and didn't have to. I checked the order and what we have is the correct address so maybe usps just delivered to the wrong address, it was never marked return to sender so I have a feeling his neighbor gave it to him and he's just trying to run game.

next winner was about a week ago, I remember 2 months ago he sent me an email with a sob story about losing his house and hospital bills and asked me to front him a pack, I said I can't do that and you really shouldn't be running the stuff if you don't have the money. Next week all of a sudden he came up with the money, So last week he sent me an email saying there was mold growing in his test prop, This is very unlikely for a few reasons, for one the ba would prevent it, for two it would be a statistical miracle for him to get the only 2 moldy vials of test prop out of a batch of 250 and an even bigger statistical anomaly for him to get the only two moldy vials of test prop ever. I asked him to send them to one of my reps and never heard anything more from him. Both of these guys were good customers at one time but when they think they see an opportunity they will take it sometimes no matter how petty

That sucks bro. Pretty low. This is the type of scenario that belongs in the scammers section. There are certainly scammers amongst customers and they should be exposed just as openly as scamming sources
I got two real winners recently, one guy sent me an email saying he didnt' get his package, I checked the tracker and it said delivered, He was a pretty good customer so I said look, We will never agree to a reship but i'll send you the same $ amount out of my stash to make up for it and give you the benefit of the doubt and you will be the last customer I ever do this for because delivered is delivered. So that package has since been delivered, Today he sent me an email saying he had a claim with usps and it said the original pack was delivered to the wrong address, the address looks like it would be about 3 houses away, he also said he demands a full refund because it's our fault even though I already made up for it the first time and didn't have to. I checked the order and what we have is the correct address so maybe usps just delivered to the wrong address, it was never marked return to sender so I have a feeling his neighbor gave it to him and he's just trying to run game.

next winner was about a week ago, I remember 2 months ago he sent me an email with a sob story about losing his house and hospital bills and asked me to front him a pack, I said I can't do that and you really shouldn't be running the stuff if you don't have the money. Next week all of a sudden he came up with the money, So last week he sent me an email saying there was mold growing in his test prop, This is very unlikely for a few reasons, for one the ba would prevent it, for two it would be a statistical miracle for him to get the only 2 moldy vials of test prop out of a batch of 250 and an even bigger statistical anomaly for him to get the only two moldy vials of test prop ever. I asked him to send them to one of my reps and never heard anything more from him. Both of these guys were good customers at one time but when they think they see an opportunity they will take it sometimes no matter how petty

It has happened to me multiple times.

The classic one is they ordered a small amount of stuff that fits in a small box as to not waste my bigger boxes. Well the small box doesnt fit the priority label so i sent regular mail. Ya what do u know oh i didnt get so i had to resend it cause i cant prove i sent it. So lesson learned on that.

Boxes cost less than double gear.

I can tell you both Phurious and Express Domestic put their customers first and focus on improving their business and product. Like Phurious said, that takes an investment back into the biz.
That sucks bro. Pretty low. This is the type of scenario that belongs in the scammers section. There are certainly scammers amongst customers and they should be exposed just as openly as scamming sources

You are right but it will take a little more for me to expose personal info, I take that very seriously and as long as they do not persist with their scam attempt I will let it go as a failed scam attempt.
I can tell you both Phurious and Express Domestic put their customers first and focus on improving their business and product. Like Phurious said, that takes an investment back into the biz.

Yeah, we got a great system for that, kind of a kill two birds with one stone type of thing so we always have a constant flow back to the front end.
Man that's fucked up! The problem is these guys don't know how hard it is to get quality sources like we have here.
I see scams all the time through my work. Its amazing what time, money, and effort people will spend to try to get sumthin for free. we expect the source to provide good product and service and conduct good business practices. Imo its a two way street. The customer must also conduct them selves in the same manner. Build a relationship. Mutual benefits will then flow to each other and all will be taken care of
You are right but it will take a little more for me to expose personal info, I take that very seriously and as long as they do not persist with their scam attempt I will let it go as a failed scam attempt.

Ya i just dont sell to thise people anymore when they do that

I'll tell you another one that really bothers me, it's really just one of those meso style conspiracy theories but the idea that any source would sell dbol as anavar does not make any sense, i'll illustrate below with small amounts to make the math easy but it would scale up the same no matter the weight.

dbol 50mg/ml @ 50ml oral= $50 2.5grams per bottle out of 100grams = 40 bottles
anavar 25mg/ml @50ml= $50 1.25 grams per bottle out out of 100 grams = 80 bottles

so dbol is double the dose for equal price, you will just about always pay double for 100g anavar compared to 100 g dbol so by the dose you will end up with the exact same profit margin with either product, there is no reason to do that to anyone, you would pay $550 or so for 200 grams of dbol to get 80 bottles, you would pay $550 for 100 grams of anavar to get 80 bottles, no price difference. Like I said no matter the weight it will pretty much always scale up that way.
It's amazing what some people out there will do to their good trusted sources. It's a big shame that people can be that way and try to scam sources. A lot of people don't think about the fact that scamming can go both ways.

All I have to say is if any of you guys here that are our awesome trusted sources get scammed or taken advantage of by any member here, please let me or Dylan know and we will make sure that they aren't here anymore. The tolerance for that is zero, and we won't have it. We only want good trustworthy members here,name I know you guys want trustworthy customers
I'll tell you another one that really bothers me, it's really just one of those meso style conspiracy theories but the idea that any source would sell dbol as anavar does not make any sense, i'll illustrate below with small amounts to make the math easy but it would scale up the same no matter the weight.

dbol 50mg/ml @ 50ml oral= $50 2.5grams per bottle out of 100grams = 40 bottles
anavar 25mg/ml @50ml= $50 1.25 grams per bottle out out of 100 grams = 80 bottles

so dbol is double the dose for equal price, you will just about always pay double for 100g anavar compared to 100 g dbol so by the dose you will end up with the exact same profit margin with either product, there is no reason to do that to anyone, you would pay $550 or so for 200 grams of dbol to get 80 bottles, you would pay $550 for 100 grams of anavar to get 80 bottles, no price difference. Like I said no matter the weight it will pretty much always scale up that way.

Ya ive seen ugls caught using winny and saying its var. or primo is actually eq

Another thing so many that are so clueless on the true nature of business forget is the customer acquisition cost... each and every customer has a price on them for how much they cost to acquire... this is spent through advertising (which is not cheap), customer service and one on one time with each individual etc. I have a masters in business/finance for a reason as I study it on a daily basis... This alone, taking out ALL the other costs is a huge factor... People are so ridiculous and basically ignorant on all these when they ONLY look at a raw material cost... NOONE looks at anything else and it shows why they do not run their own business or have any concept of how REAL business works...
Another thing so many that are so clueless on the true nature of business forget is the customer acquisition cost... each and every customer has a price on them for how much they cost to acquire... this is spent through advertising (which is not cheap), customer service and one on one time with each individual etc. I have a masters in business/finance for a reason as I study it on a daily basis... This alone, taking out ALL the other costs is a huge factor... People are so ridiculous and basically ignorant on all these when they ONLY look at a raw material cost... NOONE looks at anything else and it shows why they do not run their own business or have any concept of how REAL business works...

That is absolutely true, I actually had not thought about it that way, I'm one of those guys who is going to have to go read everything about customer acquisition cost and everything that could possibly effect it. I would imagine the cost of retaining your customers could be another factor but maybe the two are one in the same, I will find out though.
It's amazing what some people out there will do to their good trusted sources. It's a big shame that people can be that way and try to scam sources. A lot of people don't think about the fact that scamming can go both ways.

All I have to say is if any of you guys here that are our awesome trusted sources get scammed or taken advantage of by any member here, please let me or Dylan know and we will make sure that they aren't here anymore. The tolerance for that is zero, and we won't have it. We only want good trustworthy members here,name I know you guys want trustworthy customers

This forum does not have any of that on my end so far, eroids is the worst for it, That place is the worst for a lot of things but scamming members or entitled feeling members is the biggest negative to the place. You will see a little of it at most of the forums but it's a sport there.
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