Ummmm.... you said the "Q" word. I'm so unoffended. Dude btw... Moonlight won movie of the year and there's a television special coming out about their 'struggle' even though quite a bit of that struggle was self conflict. To each his own, as long as it doesn't affect me. I still have the freedom to not go see Moonlight and to not watch that special on tv. Apparently Sodom and Gamorrah was the single largest hate crime documented in history, they want reparations as well. They are rumored to have said 'You promised those N****** 40 acres and a mule. We want our own month and pineapple flavored condoms". December was the chosen month since it's the holiest of months with the birth of our Lord and Savior in it. They figure it belongs to them since deep down inside we're all that way, we are just in denial bro. Apparently as I type you and I want one another so bad we're conflicted and act it out by posting these threads to disguise our untamed passion for taint licking. I want you cmb... oh I want you so bad I can feel it in my soul (well, more like a puckering feeling around my anus). You know you want me too, let's abandon the shackles of conformity and live our true selves to the fullest bro!!!!! WooooooHooooooot!!!
I support anyone in anything, but the Bible says what it says and to say the thinking is archaic is blasphemy. You wanna be accepted, but shoot down the Bible huh?? You gal-guys are such renegades. Don't worry cmb someone will loose butt fart a complaint and this will be closed and or deleted because ONE of them is more important to the planet than TWO of us. I'm gonna go shower, care to join me in a manly way to conserve water and accidentally bump genitalia???