Very good advice here. Several of us on here have been on TRT for years........I've been on for three years now. I'm 55. From personal experience........become a beast strictly from TRT first........when you've plateaued add SARMS and see how they affect you (sides) if at all. After you are well experienced wtih SARMS and how they affect you (blood panels etc.), then gradually add one AAS compound at a time. I'm not a fan of orals for us older guys. I get way better results from a Super Stack of SARMS as I do from oral sides, longer cycle etc. After a full year of TRT and you've gone through a couple of SARMS cycles.......try a low Deca cycle with your TRT........200mg a week.........12 to 16 weeks. See how that goes for you. Stay on this FORUM and get real answers from guys who are actually really doing this stuff. Good luck!