47 years old
6' 185 lbs
10% bf
Lifting since my 20's
AAS use - testosterone only,several cycles throught the years. First cycle at 27 years old.
Have always used test only at very moderate dosages. Started at 250mg week of sustanon for usually 12 weeks. Never been above 500mg of depo test for 12 week duration. At 47 I use 200 mg every 2 weeks and avoid any major side effects. Truth be told I get good muscle mass increases at this dose. I would really like to put on more lean mass without side effects. Thinking about adding SARMS to the mix. What can I expect to gain, and can I get some advice on a good cycle? Would it be more effective to increase the testosterone dose while on SARMS? I will tell you now I feel comfortable with 350mg max per week of test. At this point, I know my body and this dose is easily managed without the negatives. Thanks brothers.
47 years old
6' 185 lbs
10% bf
Lifting since my 20's
AAS use - testosterone only,several cycles throught the years. First cycle at 27 years old.
Have always used test only at very moderate dosages. Started at 250mg week of sustanon for usually 12 weeks. Never been above 500mg of depo test for 12 week duration. At 47 I use 200 mg every 2 weeks and avoid any major side effects. Truth be told I get good muscle mass increases at this dose. I would really like to put on more lean mass without side effects. Thinking about adding SARMS to the mix. What can I expect to gain, and can I get some advice on a good cycle? Would it be more effective to increase the testosterone dose while on SARMS? I will tell you now I feel comfortable with 350mg max per week of test. At this point, I know my body and this dose is easily managed without the negatives. Thanks brothers.