
Testicular shrinkage


New member
Hey dylan i just have couple of questions that i need you to clarify please , about the testicular shrinkage : will keeping estrogen levels normal on cycle reduce the suppression ? and will a cycle of 8 weeks test 400mg/week cause a shrinkage ? If yes how to combat it ?
I understand that its a matter of genetics and every one responds differently but im asking in general . And please do a video on that topic
Lol you guys really love the genitalia related videos huh? Lol... poor Dylan.

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anytime you let estrogen get out of control, it can definitely increase suppression... i have no clue what it will take to cause shrinkage man, you are asking an IMPOSSIBLE question... you can combat it by using hcg 4 weeks prior to your pct... 1000 ius week... asking in general is going to get a general, generic and vague answer...
Bro tip:
Do more research about steroids before even thinking about doing an 8 week cycle of 400mg. Just my opinion :)
Hey dylan i just have couple of questions that i need you to clarify please , about the testicular shrinkage : will keeping estrogen levels normal on cycle reduce the suppression ? and will a cycle of 8 weeks test 400mg/week cause a shrinkage ? If yes how to combat it ?
I understand that its a matter of genetics and every one responds differently but im asking in general . And please do a video on that topic

Bro anytime your natural production of testosterone gets shut down you are probably going to get some degree of testicular atrophy. Some get more than others, but what steroids you are running isn't really going to change it. Shut down is shut down.
Varies person to person. But the majority of people will see shrinkage 1 week into their cycle even if it is pinning test at a mild dosage. I myself have never seen shrinkage. During my first two cycles when I didn't see my balls shrink I thought I was getting fake gear. Then as I did more cycles and tried more sources and seen more gains. I realized I'm just not a shrinker no matter what kind of dosages I pump into my muscles. But yes using hcg is supposed to be help fight it off. Unless your just trying to keep your woman from knowing your on gear so u want your balls plump then I see no reason to worry if they shrink or not.

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