12% BF
2 previous cycles
9 years lifting
Still in PCT from my last cycle but I'm planning my first cut cycle to see how my body could look. I'm set on the compounds just unsure about the dosages:
8-10 Weeks
300 Test E
300 Tren A
600 Mast Blend
PCT and ancillaries are known
I've done the research and know of the risks of tren. I know its only my 3rd cycle but I'm ready and want to experience these compounds the right way. Every cycle thus far I've done the lowest "recommended" dosage so I'm trying to do the same here. Any helpful insight is appreciated
12% BF
2 previous cycles
9 years lifting
Still in PCT from my last cycle but I'm planning my first cut cycle to see how my body could look. I'm set on the compounds just unsure about the dosages:
8-10 Weeks
300 Test E
300 Tren A
600 Mast Blend
PCT and ancillaries are known
I've done the research and know of the risks of tren. I know its only my 3rd cycle but I'm ready and want to experience these compounds the right way. Every cycle thus far I've done the lowest "recommended" dosage so I'm trying to do the same here. Any helpful insight is appreciated