
Test Prop and Sarm stack cycle recommendation


New member
Hello. I would like to see if anyone can recommend a test prop and sarm combo cycle.

Here are my stats:
2nd cycle. First cycle was test e done 2 years ago
30 yrs old.
5'9" - 175lbs
BF- 12%
Goal is recomp. Would like an additional 8-10lbs of lean muscle

Test prop cycle at 150mg EOD. Was thinking of stacking with either S4 or LGD. This is were I need assistance with some input on which would be better for recomp

Post cycle will include the following:
Week 1-2: 2 Week Pre-PCT kickstart
Cardarine (GW-501516) – 20mgs/day (10mgs AM/10mgs PM)

Week 3-7: 5 Week PCT
Clomid – 50/50/25/25/12.5
Nolvadex – 40/20/20/20/10
Aromasin – week 1-2: 12.5mgs EOD, week 3-4: 7.5mgs EOD
Cardarine (GW-501516) – 20mgs/day (10mgs AM/10mgs PM)
Ostarine (MK-2866) – 25/25/25/12.5
Arod2121 said:
Hello. I would like to see if anyone can recommend a test prop and sarm combo cycle.

Here are my stats:
2nd cycle. First cycle was test e done 2 years ago
30 yrs old.
5'9" - 175lbs
BF- 12%
Goal is recomp. Would like an additional 8-10lbs of lean muscle

Test prop cycle at 150mg EOD. Was thinking of stacking with either S4 or LGD. This is were I need assistance with some input on which would be better for recomp

Post cycle will include the following:
Week 1-2: 2 Week Pre-PCT kickstart
Cardarine (GW-501516) – 20mgs/day (10mgs AM/10mgs PM)

Week 3-7: 5 Week PCT
Clomid – 50/50/25/25/12.5
Nolvadex – 40/20/20/20/10
Aromasin – week 1-2: 12.5mgs EOD, week 3-4: 7.5mgs EOD
Cardarine (GW-501516) – 20mgs/day (10mgs AM/10mgs PM)
Ostarine (MK-2866) – 25/25/25/12.5

how much TEST E did you use before?

and why TEST PROP? Why not just stick with TEST E since you are already familiar with it?
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