
Test/Primo/Mast Cycle dosages and AI

Yeah I gathered, I've read over a decade of forum questions trying to research this stuff over the last week, and your comments are on nearly all of them lol

Thanks heaps mate, really appreciate your input on the dosage and the length, it's given me much more confidence now going into this cycle :)
anytime bro, im happy to help! good on you for being so thorough on your research.. that will pay dividends for you moving forward!
Champ, thanks :)

Also, just wondering what your opinion is on cardarine and cancer risks? I know it's a hard question to answer, but what's your take on it? As far as I've read the rats had huge doses, and it was over the equivalent of like 60 years in humans?

I'm really liking it for the endurance it's adding to my cardio atm. I'm able to do really intense cardio on the bike for 20 mins, and actually enjoy it lol

My father's side of the family have genetics towards bowel cancer. Pretty much every male got it mostly in their 60s or 70s. My dad caught it early just before 50 and had it removed before it turned into cancer. It's a really slow-growing cancer, takes like 10-20 years pretty much and I'm 36 atm. Do you think it could somehow cause that to show up really fast in me at this age? I'm only doing 10mg a day atm, but have done 20mg before
Champ, thanks :)

Also, just wondering what your opinion is on cardarine and cancer risks? I know it's a hard question to answer, but what's your take on it? As far as I've read the rats had huge doses, and it was over the equivalent of like 60 years in humans?

I'm really liking it for the endurance it's adding to my cardio atm. I'm able to do really intense cardio on the bike for 20 mins, and actually enjoy it lol

My father's side of the family have genetics towards bowel cancer. Pretty much every male got it mostly in their 60s or 70s. My dad caught it early just before 50 and had it removed before it turned into cancer. It's a really slow-growing cancer, takes like 10-20 years pretty much and I'm 36 atm. Do you think it could somehow cause that to show up really fast in me at this age? I'm only doing 10mg a day atm, but have done 20mg before
happy to help bro
So I've had to do a bit of a pivot mid-cycle with this one. Pretty sure my body isn't liking the higher doses of benzyl benzoate in the carrier oil, as I'm getting 'tren cough' on just the test/mast injection now..

I was running test and mast the first 3 weeks before I added in the primo, and I was doing just fine on just 3ml a week, but as soon as I went up to 6ml a week with the primo added, I started showing signs of my body being a bit inflamed and mildly allergic.. Started having a bit of difficulty breathing the full way in as it felt like my lungs were inflamed, especially after eating. Nothing else but that, but I've actually read multiple things online where people have had the same issue with the benzyl benzoate carrier oil causing this..

I've dropped the test and mast benzyl benzoate vials and found a test source that doesn't use benzyl benzoate. So now I'm going to try just the primo benzyl benzoate which will take it back to 3ml a week. I skipped an injection end of last week totally just to let things completely settle down again, which they have

The only roid I can get without benzyl benzoate is test from the pharmacies here in Thailand lol. So I've ordered the S23 sarm, which I've used before and had good results

Cycle will now be this

Test - 200mg a week (300mg a week was causing too much estrogen)
Primo - 600ml a week
S23 - 20mg a day
Cardarine - 20mg a day
And possibly adding Stenabolic - 20mg a day (maybe more if I can handle it)

Wonder if anyone has tried stacking S23 with primo before lol. Sounds like it could actually be a godly stack, especially since my body is allergic to tren, so this can take its place nicely

Is 20mg a day the highest you can go with S23? I used 30mg a day when I used it years ago and that was pretty good
So I've had to do a bit of a pivot mid-cycle with this one. Pretty sure my body isn't liking the higher doses of benzyl benzoate in the carrier oil, as I'm getting 'tren cough' on just the test/mast injection now..

I was running test and mast the first 3 weeks before I added in the primo, and I was doing just fine on just 3ml a week, but as soon as I went up to 6ml a week with the primo added, I started showing signs of my body being a bit inflamed and mildly allergic.. Started having a bit of difficulty breathing the full way in as it felt like my lungs were inflamed, especially after eating. Nothing else but that, but I've actually read multiple things online where people have had the same issue with the benzyl benzoate carrier oil causing this..

I've dropped the test and mast benzyl benzoate vials and found a test source that doesn't use benzyl benzoate. So now I'm going to try just the primo benzyl benzoate which will take it back to 3ml a week. I skipped an injection end of last week totally just to let things completely settle down again, which they have

The only roid I can get without benzyl benzoate is test from the pharmacies here in Thailand lol. So I've ordered the S23 sarm, which I've used before and had good results

Cycle will now be this

Test - 200mg a week (300mg a week was causing too much estrogen)
Primo - 600ml a week
S23 - 20mg a day
Cardarine - 20mg a day
And possibly adding Stenabolic - 20mg a day (maybe more if I can handle it)

Wonder if anyone has tried stacking S23 with primo before lol. Sounds like it could actually be a godly stack, especially since my body is allergic to tren, so this can take its place nicely

Is 20mg a day the highest you can go with S23? I used 30mg a day when I used it years ago and that was pretty good
you could go to 30 mg with s23... i would not go any higher than that dose with it... it should stack extremely well with primo
you could go to 30 mg with s23... i would not go any higher than that dose with it... it should stack extremely well with primo
yeah fuck, this s23 is feeling a lot stronger than the last time I tried it lol. I think it's stacking very very well with the primo. It's honestly starting to look like tren already, but I don't feel the super hardcore tren energy. It's like baby tren energy which feels super good tbh. Same level of super awesome/confident/motivated take on the world feeling, but without any rage at all.. Just calm, collected, and godly lol. Honestly, this is really good

Primo with s23, we may be onto something here lol. I can't find a single post online where people are talking about this stack
yeah fuck, this s23 is feeling a lot stronger than the last time I tried it lol. I think it's stacking very very well with the primo. It's honestly starting to look like tren already, but I don't feel the super hardcore tren energy. It's like baby tren energy which feels super good tbh. Same level of super awesome/confident/motivated take on the world feeling, but without any rage at all.. Just calm, collected, and godly lol. Honestly, this is really good

Primo with s23, we may be onto something here lol. I can't find a single post online where people are talking about this stack
im on s23 and s4 now and in week 3 its really really kicked for me.. i added ac262 to it and this is likely my favorite stack to go with
im on s23 and s4 now and in week 3 its really really kicked for me.. i added ac262 to it and this is likely my favorite stack to go with
Hey mate, hows that sarm stack going for you? It's been about 6 weeks now hasn't it? Keen to know as it sounds like a really good cutting/hardness stack. Never tried S4 or ac262 before. ac262 must be relatively new? Would you rate this stack better than primo/mast? Or just better because of the low sides?

I'm having issues with the primo, my body doesn't like it. Thinking of just going 400 test 600 mast + maybe the S23, or maybe just trying out your sarm stack instead if it's good
Hey mate, hows that sarm stack going for you? It's been about 6 weeks now hasn't it? Keen to know as it sounds like a really good cutting/hardness stack. Never tried S4 or ac262 before. ac262 must be relatively new? Would you rate this stack better than primo/mast? Or just better because of the low sides?

I'm having issues with the primo, my body doesn't like it. Thinking of just going 400 test 600 mast + maybe the S23, or maybe just trying out your sarm stack instead if it's good
This has been an extremely successful stack and i would choose it 10 out of 10 times over any steroid.. now, that may not hold true for everyone but at my age, with certain conditions i have and how good I feel on it, theres no comparison.. ive made several social media posts showing my progress, the huge increase of weights im pushing up and you can clearly see the size gains.. check my instagram @DylanGemelli or the community posts and shorts on youtube
This has been an extremely successful stack and i would choose it 10 out of 10 times over any steroid.. now, that may not hold true for everyone but at my age, with certain conditions i have and how good I feel on it, theres no comparison.. ive made several social media posts showing my progress, the huge increase of weights im pushing up and you can clearly see the size gains.. check my instagram @DylanGemelli or the community posts and shorts on youtube
Yeah mate, I think I'm gonna just stick to sarms from now on as well.. I ended up with huge hematocrit results with this one.. Sarms don't increase the hematocrit, do they?

Also, just a random question you may be good with. I've been on trt for the last 8 months, 3 months of that was this cycle we talked about. I'm thinking of coming off the trt now and just trying to go back to natural with maybe just a sarm stack once or twice a year instead. I just finished donating 500ml of blood to try and fix my hematocrit as it was still 54% even with just low dose trt for the last 3 months.. And I could really feel it, feel better after that blood donation for sure

What kinda PCT would you recommend after 8 months on trt? (previously my longest run was 5 months once, and I recovered from that). I've been using hcg the entire time every week, so I was thinking maybe just a small hcg blast first (1000mg per day for 5 days?), followed by 50mg of clomid every day for like 2-3 months? I also have a natural supp that's meant to be really good from the kino products brand called mojo, have 3 months supply of that to go with it

This sound like a good idea?

Yeah mate, I think I'm gonna just stick to sarms from now on as well.. I ended up with huge hematocrit results with this one.. Sarms don't increase the hematocrit, do they?

Also, just a random question you may be good with. I've been on trt for the last 8 months, 3 months of that was this cycle we talked about. I'm thinking of coming off the trt now and just trying to go back to natural with maybe just a sarm stack once or twice a year instead. I just finished donating 500ml of blood to try and fix my hematocrit as it was still 54% even with just low dose trt for the last 3 months.. And I could really feel it, feel better after that blood donation for sure

What kinda PCT would you recommend after 8 months on trt? (previously my longest run was 5 months once, and I recovered from that). I've been using hcg the entire time every week, so I was thinking maybe just a small hcg blast first (1000mg per day for 5 days?), followed by 50mg of clomid every day for like 2-3 months? I also have a natural supp that's meant to be really good from the kino products brand called mojo, have 3 months supply of that to go with it

This sound like a good idea?

no, they will have little to no effect on hematocrit

i would go with an 8 week pct.. i would completely drop the hcg as hcg is suppressive itself...

you should use both nolva and clomid with gw501516 to help with your cortisol 8-12 weeks at least...

50 mg of clomid and 40 of nolvadex and 20 mg of gw
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