And the dosage that had you comfortably making gains were?
I want to take my time this run slow and steady.
I believe the magic number seems to be roughly 400mg dosed at 100EOD
Along side test I would liks to run 450 testesterone eth. Dose split 225 pinned twice a week.
Caber @.5 e3D
Aromasin 12.5 EOD
Anywhere from 100EOD to 150EOD is what I'd shoot for with NPP. In actuality the phenyl propionate Ester is a little longer than propionate and you can get by fine pinning 3 times per week or even E3D instead of EOD, but there's certainly nothing wrong with EOD to keep it a little more stable. It's just something to think about if you want to keep the pins from being too frequent. I ran it 3 days per week when I ran it