Hmm, well I don't think I want to do a steroid cycle just to lower estrogen or SHBG either.
Since I was taking 12.5 mg exemestane ED, do you think it would be beneficial to do 25 mg ED? Or do you think that would be too high of a dose? I know some people jump to higher doses when something isn't working, but I value my health lol. I know its only an estrogen blocker, but still just want to make sure. When I did 12.5 ED, my total test was 1104, but I literally felt nothing different than when I was at 585 originally.
when your prolactin is out of range it can cause your estrogen levels to be off as well... so getting prolactin in line first will help to even out estrogen levels as well... also, proviron would help with shbg tremendously and being its basically non suppressive and non toxic, its nothing like running a steroid cycle... in fact, stacking it with sarms is so ideal or you can run it stand alone as well... it wont do much of anything for size etc. but absolutely is what YOU need to lower that as well.. i feel 12.5 is plenty if your taking caber for prolactin because as prolactin comes down, estrogen should follow...