Test-EQ-Winstrol Cycle
STATS: 39 year old male
6'1" - Float between 215 & 220 pounds
Between 12-15% BF
No pre-existing medical conditions or allergies
Training off and on 25 years (Serious/consistent past 7 years)
Really good base of knowledge pertaining to nutrition and training.
Surgeries/Injuries: 2 knee scopes (meniscus tears - sports related) manageable arthritis in that knee.
3 Lumbar discetomies at the L3-L4-S1 levels. (I have to 'train around' this and be smart)
Cycle History: 1. 2017 (Test only cycle) - 300 MG Test C for 12 weeks
Aromason 12.5 EOD throughout
4 week PCT Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/40/20/20
2. 2018 (Test-TBol-Winstrol) - 1-12 500 MG Test E
1-6 60 MG TBol ED
9-14 50 MG Winstrol ED
12.5 aromasin EOD
Liver/Organ product while taking the orals
6 Week PCT Clomid 50/50/50/25/25/25
Nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20
Goals for this cycle: Strength, quality muscle, vascularity, muscle density and endurance/stamina. I do have some joint arthritis and will be pumping a quality joint product throughout as I do understand that the winstrol will dry out my joints. I want to limit the amount of water retention/bloat during this cycle. I know it is impossible to eliminate it, but I want to keep it minimal with the understanding that nutrition and hydration play a major role in this. I felt like I held a lot of water and was too bloated my last cycle. I really want to control that this time around.
Planned Cycle: I am planning a 12-week cycle this time around as I am planning on front loading the EQ. If I was not to front load, I may opt for a 16 week cycle.
1-12 Test E 400 MG/week (split between 2 injections)
1-2 EQ 1800 MG/week (Front Loading) (Split between 3 injections for weeks 1 and 2)
3-12 EQ 600 MG/week (split between 2 injections)
7-12 Winstrol 50/MG ED
Aromasin 12.5 EOD (adjusted as needed)
7-12 Liver/Organ product
11-14 DGA Post CT
PCT: 15-20 Clomid 50/50/50/25/25/25
Nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20
Liver/Organ product
My apologies for the long post, but I wanted to be thorough and not post the typical "Hey bro what do you think about running a gram of Tren a week only cycle?" post.
Any constructive criticism is welcome please. Thanks!
STATS: 39 year old male
6'1" - Float between 215 & 220 pounds
Between 12-15% BF
No pre-existing medical conditions or allergies
Training off and on 25 years (Serious/consistent past 7 years)
Really good base of knowledge pertaining to nutrition and training.
Surgeries/Injuries: 2 knee scopes (meniscus tears - sports related) manageable arthritis in that knee.
3 Lumbar discetomies at the L3-L4-S1 levels. (I have to 'train around' this and be smart)
Cycle History: 1. 2017 (Test only cycle) - 300 MG Test C for 12 weeks
Aromason 12.5 EOD throughout
4 week PCT Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/40/20/20
2. 2018 (Test-TBol-Winstrol) - 1-12 500 MG Test E
1-6 60 MG TBol ED
9-14 50 MG Winstrol ED
12.5 aromasin EOD
Liver/Organ product while taking the orals
6 Week PCT Clomid 50/50/50/25/25/25
Nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20
Goals for this cycle: Strength, quality muscle, vascularity, muscle density and endurance/stamina. I do have some joint arthritis and will be pumping a quality joint product throughout as I do understand that the winstrol will dry out my joints. I want to limit the amount of water retention/bloat during this cycle. I know it is impossible to eliminate it, but I want to keep it minimal with the understanding that nutrition and hydration play a major role in this. I felt like I held a lot of water and was too bloated my last cycle. I really want to control that this time around.
Planned Cycle: I am planning a 12-week cycle this time around as I am planning on front loading the EQ. If I was not to front load, I may opt for a 16 week cycle.
1-12 Test E 400 MG/week (split between 2 injections)
1-2 EQ 1800 MG/week (Front Loading) (Split between 3 injections for weeks 1 and 2)
3-12 EQ 600 MG/week (split between 2 injections)
7-12 Winstrol 50/MG ED
Aromasin 12.5 EOD (adjusted as needed)
7-12 Liver/Organ product
11-14 DGA Post CT
PCT: 15-20 Clomid 50/50/50/25/25/25
Nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20
Liver/Organ product
My apologies for the long post, but I wanted to be thorough and not post the typical "Hey bro what do you think about running a gram of Tren a week only cycle?" post.
Any constructive criticism is welcome please. Thanks!
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