
Test Dbol and Winstrol


Body fat %
Years of training
Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run)
PCT for each cycle
Supplements (if any)
General idea of nutrition (any food allergies???)
Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.)
Weight: About 170
Body fat: 15%
Years of training: 6 years
Cycle history: testosterone enanthate 250 doses 1ml weekly split in 2. Length still on cycle about 4 weeks in. PCT haven't got there yet but have HCG and Nolvadex on hand
Goals: 200 pounds at about 10% body fat maybe a little less
Supplements: Whey protein, creatine
Nutrition: lean proteins, greens, complex and simple carbs (No food allergies)
Relative Info: Sholder surgery in 2004
Well we're gonna help you but you need to get all this stuff under control before you start any cycles.
Pct you need 4 weeks hcg prior to pct then clomid, nolva, aromasin
Gw and mk 2886 are great sarms to add in as well
Thanks do you guys think I should run Dbol and end with Winstrol for my second cycle or do a more simple cycle?

And my plans where to get size with Dbol and then tone up with Winstrol good or bad idea?
You don't want to jump on orals or deca for a second another test only so your body will start adapting..if Ur doing 250 mgs this cycle,try 350 mgs next time. Then next cycle add (1) oral..U must slowly advance in this game or you'll totally fuck yourself up
My favorite part is the gaining of over 30lbs of lean muscle, while going down 5 percent bodyfat. That's basically gaining 40lbs of all muscle and leaning out. Pretty amazing cycle if you accomplish that. Not very realistic, and you would encounter tons of sides you aren't even prepared for. You need to dial in your diet and workout routine first. you have tons of room to make gains before you start throwing steroids in to your body. SARMS would be more appropriate at your current point. Safer and more appropriate.
You don't want to jump on orals or deca for a second another test only so your body will start adapting..if Ur doing 250 mgs this cycle,try 350 mgs next time. Then next cycle add (1) oral..U must slowly advance in this game or you'll totally fuck yourself up

Thank man and to be honest I think I got some bogus test so I don't even know if my body is even getting used to having a stimulant put into it
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