
Test cyp and deca cycle

I stay on my blood work, I haven't done a real cycle since I was 29.

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It's not like you are proposing some massive bulking cycle so I was more so curious about your weight than anything. Putting on a lot of weight in a short amount of time is very taxing. That was my main concern.

That's really odd that you come off trt and don't get symptoms for 6 months. I would say it's worse to be jumping on and off like that than staying on. It's definitely not good to stay on high dosages for extended amounts of time, but trt dosages are supposed to be indefinite. Your doctor orders you on and off?

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I don't see how coming off can be at all healthy.

This is by any standard a conservative cycle and the standard pct will be fine.

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It makes no sense that you come off TRT. TRT is something you commit to for life. Also, shots every two weeks is wack. You need at least one injection per week. Also, after cycle you should just go to TRT dose, no reason for PCT. At 5'9" and only 150 lbs you could make decent gains with just a consistent weekly TRT dose.

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doctors orders I jump off because I know it's not good to stay on it

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confused..your DR orders you off because YOU "know" it's not good to stay on....
1. What you "know" is incorrect
2. IF your "DR" has diagnosed you as hypogonadal and prescribed testosterone then orders you off periodically need to find a real Dr..because his treatment is contrary to Endocrine Society treatment guidelines
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