So you are going to blast and cruise abuzively at 22 years old when you shouldn't even be running anything? Wtf dude....this is beyond abuse. 20 weeks on and a 6 week cruise? Smfh...thats ridiculous. You wpukd need 20 weeks off if you were on 20. Only 6 weeks off is reckless and abusive and you'll basically get nothing out of your next cycle on top of that if you understand how myostatin works. You are destroying your endocrine system at an early age, and you clearly don't understand the repercussions from this.
Just because there are kids at 15 doing it doesn't make it right for you. You need to be smarter than that bro. Everybody these days wants a fucking shortcut without paying their dues and putting in the work to build a good natural foundation. I started my first cycle at 35 after 20 years of natural lifting.
There'sno way I can advise you on anything you're doing at all.