
T3 cycle

Running T3 1st time..originally 6 week run(taper up to 75 mcg and down again to 12.5mcg)with Test E 300mg week..running test for 12 weeks, probably should have run prop for just the 6 weeks.
Now considering Test E 300mg week for 15weeks so I can run T3 for 3 3 week cycles and run 60-75 mg Anavar the last 6 weeks also..
Not running any ariimedex don't believe I'll get much water retention that low dose T..
Taking 15oo mg
Evening primrose oil
Milk thistle
Saw palmetto

pct..hcg nolvadex taper down from 40 mg over 4 weeks...I've got S4 I'm throwing in for strength, have a left over bottle..
Other option is just run t3 6weeks as planned and Anavar the last 6 of 12 week test E..
Any opinions..looking to maintain muscle mass..I'm a week in T3..
Cynnamonwoodberry said:
Running T3 1st time..originally 6 week run(taper up to 75 mcg and down again to 12.5mcg)with Test E 300mg week..running test for 12 weeks, probably should have run prop for just the 6 weeks.
Now considering Test E 300mg week for 15weeks so I can run T3 for 3 3 week cycles and run 60-75 mg Anavar the last 6 weeks also..
Not running any ariimedex don't believe I'll get much water retention that low dose T..
Taking 15oo mg
Evening primrose oil
Milk thistle
Saw palmetto

pct..hcg nolvadex taper down from 40 mg over 4 weeks...I've got S4 I'm throwing in for strength, have a left over bottle..
Other option is just run t3 6weeks as planned and Anavar the last 6 of 12 week test E..
Any opinions..looking to maintain muscle mass..I'm a week in T3..

hey bro... well for your goal of maintaining muscle mass, there is probably nothing worse that you could have picked than t3... that is the ultimate muscle eater and its nothing i generally ever recommend using so just so you are aware, maintaining muscle with that will not be easy and even adding other compounds will still take away from what they do.. why would you pick t3? why mess with your thyroid when theres FAR better, safer and sustainable options out there
Fair enough! I chose it for results.

Unable to take Clen or ephedra not even hydroxy cut, absolutely cannot sleep.
From my understanding as long as your respect T3 and do not abuse it there is quite a slim chance of damaging your thyroid or heart palpitations..
MD use it for depression and it is very effective..

I feel fantastic other than cardio is a bitch. In a weeks time my midsection is down 1.5" all other measurements same and weight is same..
If you have insight on whether to run 3 3 weeks cycles or 1 6 week cycle on the test and if I can extend test as long as 16 weeks and if Anavar would compliment the last 6 weeks I would greatly appreciate it.
If this is a product you don't condone and and do not wish give any further advice, I can appreciate that too.
I appreciate being able to use this site as an information center to gather all the information I need to make a well informed educated decision.
Which I need to make soon for the additional products I may need to acquire.
Also curious as to Melanotan if you're familiar..
Cynnamonwoodberry said:
Fair enough! I chose it for results.

Unable to take Clen or ephedra not even hydroxy cut, absolutely cannot sleep.
From my understanding as long as your respect T3 and do not abuse it there is quite a slim chance of damaging your thyroid or heart palpitations..
MD use it for depression and it is very effective..

I feel fantastic other than cardio is a bitch. In a weeks time my midsection is down 1.5" all other measurements same and weight is same..
If you have insight on whether to run 3 3 weeks cycles or 1 6 week cycle on the test and if I can extend test as long as 16 weeks and if Anavar would compliment the last 6 weeks I would greatly appreciate it.
If this is a product you don't condone and and do not wish give any further advice, I can appreciate that too.
I appreciate being able to use this site as an information center to gather all the information I need to make a well informed educated decision.
Which I need to make soon for the additional products I may need to acquire.
Also curious as to Melanotan if you're familiar..

Yes I am very familiar with melanotan bro, what is your question?

One thing you absolutely don't want is your cardio negatively effected and it will certainly do that... you don't want clen or hyrdoxycut whatsoever... your way off with your weight loss selection... your picking things that are harmful, unsustainable and will eventually leave you much worse than when you began... they are band aids or quick fixes that carry side effects you want no part of... you need to look for things that are safer, more sustainable, carry many more benefits and allow you to accomplish variant objectives... this is where sarms come in and also they fit perfectly on your test cycle... melt fat, build lean muscle, healing, improvement of the systems in your body especially with cholesterol and lipids... just an all around everything... strength, muscle hardening, etc... the list goes on and on... i have several videos on them as well as articles everywhere... you can implement them into your cycle... if your using anavar for weight loss then forget it, that's not what steroids are for... it depends on your goal here but you can fit these into your cycle... if your on test now, let me know where you are at so i can implement everything into your cycle for you
GW and S4 (sarms cutting stack) would have been a much better viable option for cutting fat without harmful side effects, muscle catabolism, or any stimulant keeping you awake.
I plan on bridging with that ...I have it all already less 1 bottle Gw..
I've done triple stack in past only made it halfway thru S4 crazy tracers..did lose some strength once I dropped. I cut down a bit and felt good. I read so many articles on T3 melting fat, wanted to try it.I can already see that I will achieve great results off , hope fully God is looking over me. As of right now I could get addicted to's awesome!
I'm gonna up my test and drop fro 12-10 weeks and add 50 mg Anavar from week 6 for 6 weeks..4 week pct..bridge triple stack and see how I look..I may implement T3 at 12.5 mcg every 3 mths with primo or Eq as long there are no complications this run..
Cynnamonwoodberry said:
I plan on bridging with that ...I have it all already less 1 bottle Gw..
I've done triple stack in past only made it halfway thru S4 crazy tracers..did lose some strength once I dropped. I cut down a bit and felt good. I read so many articles on T3 melting fat, wanted to try it.I can already see that I will achieve great results off , hope fully God is looking over me. As of right now I could get addicted to's awesome!
I'm gonna up my test and drop fro 12-10 weeks and add 50 mg Anavar from week 6 for 6 weeks..4 week pct..bridge triple stack and see how I look..I may implement T3 at 12.5 mcg every 3 mths with primo or Eq as long there are no complications this run..

t3 definitely works at cutting fat... just watch it closely, don't over do it and make sure you are using things with it that are muscle sparing...
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