

PED forums are becoming a joke with all of these oral only threads. For anyone who is reading this thinking of doing an oral only cycle, get it through your thick's goddamn stupid!!! It's like it's a fad where inexperienced, high bf dudes who just started working out or have never put in 100% are just looking for a miracle pill...hate to break it to you but orals are not miracle pills. They do have a place and that is to either kick start or clean up a cycle...not to take for 6 weeks and think you're gonna look like a fitness model on the beach this summer. Soooo FED UP of this, how many goddamn experienced guys and articles must there be to conclude orals only are terrible?!

A triple stack of LGD-GW-S4 dosed properly along with excellent dieting and work ethic will get you awesome results and keepable gains without putting your body through all that ruckus for literally give or take the same gains +++ having to worry about keeping during PCT. With Sarms, you'll keep just about everything given you keep working hard...come on guys lets brighten up a little it's getting annoying af!

well for fucks sake... this is even better put that i put it... THANK YOU... READ THIS POST OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN
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