Brother I really appreciate that especially coming from you, and as well as EZ and Rick, I also appreciate the support on my stats. I really thought I was slowing down on gains so I decided to hit up a cycle and it was great, even if it was dbol I somehow and I'll never understand why kept most of my gains and I'm happy for that but after realizing what that stuff can do I'll keep away from it when I decide to hit it again, but like I said that'll be years from now, I changed up my routine recently and I'm starting to get some gains again so I guess my body just needed a shock and something different, so I believe you were right brother, my body is still going strong and don't need the gear right now but you may hear from me again one day, if I ever need to ask a question I know where to go, take care guys and God bless and thank you so much for your help
"You don't have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great" -zig ziglar
Every1 slows down on gains from time to time, change your diet, training....