that is beyond impossible to answer... if we know nothing about you then how would we know if it is good for you or not??? it could be a great cycle for someone and a terrible one for another...
what are your stats??? age/height/weight/body fat??
15 months is nothing on training time bud. You need to put in the time in the gym consistently and build a proper foundation before using anything. You have barely been in the gym and you already want to consider steroids?
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Theoretically, yes its good but it may not be good for you right now at this point. Like everyone has stated, 15 months of training is not nearly long enough to consider using AAS. It make take even longer than that to really learn what type of diet works best for your body! I'm assuming this would be your first cycle and if that's the case, there is no need to start off with more than one compound. Honestly 250mg-350mg of Test a week will do WONDERS for a beginner. Start slow and low and watch your shit grow...when you're ready.
What does your diet look like? How many times a day are you eating? How much water are you drinking a day? How often do you train a week?