
switching from test e to cyp, lower dose

Re: RE: Re: switching from test e to cyp, lower dose

RickRock said:
Angelo said:
DylanGemelli said:
anthony123 said:
Thanks guys for the advice. Even though I've been on gear for a few years, I always learn something new everyday

absolutely bro.. im a big test cyp fan... that's what i have basically always stuck with... your going to like it.. i personally like to run test a bit lower and then other compounds shine but it just depends on your goals, what your stacking with etc... what does your current plan look like?

^ ^ I have to agree, definitely one of my all time favorites and i just love, love, love some good ol fashion Testosterone Cypionate ... ive never been wronged by her going on 14 years of cycling, i wish i could say that for a few other compounds that i run but i cant, lol. in my opinion, Test is always Best and cant go wrong (unless abused of course) and im sure is a good reason its used for TRT by doctors nationwide
I have to agree with you buddy. I absolutely love test, and Test C is definitely my ester of choice.

I am kind of with the europeans...test E. Delivers a little more test than cyp, but maybe up to 2 days less half life. Not saying I don't love cyp...and I also love sus..BUT if I had to pick one for life it would be E. As far as test goes, I do think it is a fountain of youth. If the medical community would just let men over 60 do more, so that their blood stayed like a 20 year old, and then let them add a little deca..we would all stay a lot younger. When I begin trt..maybe when I am 67 or so, I will go 150 E and 150sus per week.
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: switching from test e to cyp, lower dose

drb_iac said:
RickRock said:
Angelo said:
"DylanGemelli" said:
"anthony123" said:
Thanks guys for the advice. Even though I've been on gear for a few years, I always learn something new everyday

absolutely bro.. im a big test cyp fan... that's what i have basically always stuck with... your going to like it.. i personally like to run test a bit lower and then other compounds shine but it just depends on your goals, what your stacking with etc... what does your current plan look like?

^ ^ I have to agree, definitely one of my all time favorites and i just love, love, love some good ol fashion Testosterone Cypionate ... ive never been wronged by her going on 14 years of cycling, i wish i could say that for a few other compounds that i run but i cant, lol. in my opinion, Test is always Best and cant go wrong (unless abused of course) and im sure is a good reason its used for TRT by doctors nationwide
I have to agree with you buddy. I absolutely love test, and Test C is definitely my ester of choice.

I am kind of with the europeans...test E. Delivers a little more test than cyp, but maybe up to 2 days less half life. Not saying I don't love cyp...and I also love sus..BUT if I had to pick one for life it would be E. As far as test goes, I do think it is a fountain of youth. If the medical community would just let men over 60 do more, so that their blood stayed like a 20 year old, and then let them add a little deca..we would all stay a lot younger. When I begin trt..maybe when I am 67 or so, I will go 150 E and 150sus per week.
Yes, nothing wrong with Test E either. I used it exclusively when I first started cycling. My main draw to cypionate now, is because I'm on TRT. Cypionate allows me to pin once a week while cruising and have very even levels because of the 8 day half life compared to the 4.5 day of Enanthate. Then when I go to blast with higher dose of test I just increase my dose I'm on without having to switch esters. Makes very preferable conditions for those blasting and cruising in my opinion
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