i am 5'11" 250lbs with 15%body fat , my goal is to go down to about 9-10% body fat .....been in the gym for 12 years with solid experience with gear , did ( anadrol , dbol, test, tren , winstrol , anavar , deca ) never took eq and long ester tren thats why i want to try it now ...i was thinking about something like that :
1-22 test enanthate 400-600mg ew
1-20 EQ 600-800mg ew
1-6 Tbol 50-60mg ed
10-21 Tren Enantate 400-600ew
19-24 Winstrol 50-60mg ed
21-24 hcg 1000iu ew
proviron from the beginning at 50mg ed and aromasin at 12.5eod , with dostinex with tren and some sarms but still thinking, for sure gw501516....still working on the diet , i have no problem putting on weight , i get really boated on test that's why I want to take less and i think i will stick to 400mg a week......
nolva 40 40 40 40 20 20 20 20
clomid 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25
aromasin 12.5mg eod
like i said i am still making changes but this is the closest how its gonna be .....