
Suppression after SARMS - need advise


I have finished the last week my SARMS cycle, and today's blood work has shown that I have a considerably lower test levels compared to what I had before the cycle. I though SARMS were not suppressive? What can I do now? Why did this happen?
I have finished the last week my SARMS cycle, and today's blood work has shown that I have a considerably lower test levels compared to what I had before the cycle. I though SARMS were not suppressive? What can I do now? Why did this happen?

Were you taking capsules?
This means that you were taking fake SARMS, since the real SARMS are minimally suppressive (5-10% of the suppression seen with steroids at most), and they can not aromatize into estrogen, so there should not be any estrogen problem either. In this situaion it would be best to assume that you were taking fake SARMS and it is advisable to run a mini-PCT with some nolvadex, clomid, Ostarine MK-2866 and some good natty test booster.
This means that you were taking fake SARMS, since the real SARMS are minimally suppressive (5-10% of the suppression seen with steroids at most), and they can not aromatize into estrogen, so there should not be any estrogen problem either. In this situaion it would be best to assume that you were taking fake SARMS and it is advisable to run a mini-PCT with some nolvadex, clomid, Ostarine MK-2866 and some good natty test booster.

this is exactly right... you were absolutely taking prohormones... capsules marketed as sarms that were filled with prohormones... its just disgusting that these companies did this to so many people... not only are they lying about the product but ensuring harm on everyone taking them because without knowing what it really is, you would not assume you needed a full pct... sarms x is opening in a week so i would highly recommend you buy this protocol as soon as they open

clomid 50/50/25/25

nolva 40/20/20/20

aromasin 12.5 mg eod

mk-2866 25 mg day

gw-501516 20 mg day
It depends on which SARMs you were taking, at what level, and for how long. If you use 50mg of S4 daily for several weeks you will be mildly suppressed and MK-2866 is only slightly suppressive unless you go stupid with the amount you take. LGD-4033 is highly suppressive, so treat it the same as you would any AAS for PCT. GW50 and MK677 are not suppressive at all.
I have finished the last week my SARMS cycle, and today's blood work has shown that I have a considerably lower test levels compared to what I had before the cycle. I though SARMS were not suppressive? What can I do now? Why did this happen?

there's no sarm that will cause considerablly low test levels to what you had before, even with abusing the dose... could it drop a bit, yes, but nothing significant... you were taking prohormones
Before anything - thank you for the advice as support you give me here. I really feel like a scam victim here... from now on I will know that SARMS only come in liquid form, and will do more study before buying them. And thank you for the PCT protocol - really hope it will help me recovery my test levels.
Before anything - thank you for the advice as support you give me here. I really feel like a scam victim here... from now on I will know that SARMS only come in liquid form, and will do more study before buying them. And thank you for the PCT protocol - really hope it will help me recovery my test levels.

Definitely only ever buy in liquid form. No reputable SARMs company will ever sell in pill or capsule form. Pills and Capsules imply human consumption - and SARMs are NOT legal for human consumption. No reputable seller will risk being shut down by the Feds by selling pills or capsules. So since you cannot buy them from a reputable company, that means you are buying them from a non-reputable company. At that point, who knows what is in the pill or capsule.

No thanks, my body is too important to me for that. :)
Sarms in pill form are popping up in my state like crazy. Most supplement shops have them, and even argue they would never sell anything illegal.
Before anything - thank you for the advice as support you give me here. I really feel like a scam victim here... from now on I will know that SARMS only come in liquid form, and will do more study before buying them. And thank you for the PCT protocol - really hope it will help me recovery my test levels.

u need to order all your sarms from PE or sarms x no doubt in their potency and validity
Sarms in pill form are popping up in my state like crazy. Most supplement shops have them, and even argue they would never sell anything illegal.

I had a major "discussion" with a total nutrition owner. Swearing that the capsules were the only way and the liquid was fake and you don't know what's in the liquid. He was sincere on it too. I should take him a bottle of GW and ask him to test it out lol.

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I had a major "discussion" with a total nutrition owner. Swearing that the capsules were the only way and the liquid was fake and you don't know what's in the liquid. He was sincere on it too. I should take him a bottle of GW and ask him to test it out lol.

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What a complete fool! Lolll well total nutrition says enough... Lolll
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