Hey everyone,
Been working on my squat/deadlift lately, I find I can really only get stronger on 2 out of the 3 main lifts at a time I don't know why but anyways I find my deadlift is weakest at the bottom, once I get it off the ground it's usually a good lift. What would you all recommend to aid in the bottom of my deadlift?
Note: I perform my deadlifts sumo style as they are most comfortable that way for me
Currently been doing lots of triples and 5s on my deadlift. My max triple was 500 pounds for 3 but I changed my stance up and have been having a hard time pushing passed the 475 ish area for 3. Any help would be appreciated.
Been working on my squat/deadlift lately, I find I can really only get stronger on 2 out of the 3 main lifts at a time I don't know why but anyways I find my deadlift is weakest at the bottom, once I get it off the ground it's usually a good lift. What would you all recommend to aid in the bottom of my deadlift?
Note: I perform my deadlifts sumo style as they are most comfortable that way for me
Currently been doing lots of triples and 5s on my deadlift. My max triple was 500 pounds for 3 but I changed my stance up and have been having a hard time pushing passed the 475 ish area for 3. Any help would be appreciated.