
Super mandro


New member
what are your thoughts on super mandro?
(1-Androstoerone and Bergamottin) two of my good friends are taking it and have already put on 15 pounds of lean muscle and are extremely vascular and it's only been a month. I'm not going to take it because it's a prohormone but what are the sides of taking this and should i tell my friend to stay away from this
He got sick before he started his cycle and lost a bunch of weight and gained it back within of a week so he realistically probably put on 8 to 10 pounds
i would tell him to stay a million miles from that... at least you have your head on straight but if he gained that much in that short amount of time, he is definitely underweight to start
I gained 15 lbs from big Macs in a month...I was swole!
LOLLL bro, true story... my first job was at mcdonalds... 14 years old... my dad took me to the grocery store and mcdonalds and it was whoever hired me first... anyway... i used to take orders in the drive thru and back then you could get them super sized etc... people would order a number 1, super sized, extra greese, extra fat, etc.. LOL but then get a "super size diet coke" as if that would help out! LOL fuck, go for the gold and get the regular! LMFAO
LOLLL bro, true story... my first job was at mcdonalds... 14 years old... my dad took me to the grocery store and mcdonalds and it was whoever hired me first... anyway... i used to take orders in the drive thru and back then you could get them super sized etc... people would order a number 1, super sized, extra greese, extra fat, etc.. LOL but then get a "super size diet coke" as if that would help out! LOL fuck, go for the gold and get the regular! LMFAO

They have the grand Mac now...2 big ass quarter pound burgers in a whopper sized bun
No one really answered me question haha
Any good andro prohormones were banned like 10 years ago. I think this is crap in a bottle and I wouldn't touch it. The fact that it gives unrealistic claims should be a red flag
Bro, I'm gonna stop the big Macs like a week before I start the juice bro.
No one really answered me question haha
clearly you are not reading everything... i CLEARLY said to tell him to stay away from it... these are garbage products... you never even saw them at any time when prohormones were leagal because noone would have bought them knowing they are a joke... newbies buy these and get tricked by marketing... they are nothing what you think...
But why? Why is it so much worse than any other prohormones? 1-andro is in many pros. I'm just just wondering because more of my friends are starting to take this product because it's non androgenic and methylated so they think it's not bad for you, but if it is i want to steer them away from it. Thanks!
LOL im sure thats on the menu of many of the fucking dirty bulking "bros"

I would totally smash one or two of these and not think twice. I love mcdonalds... thats why I hardly ever go there. Last time I went there I got 2 large fries and 5 mcdoubles and a diet coke.... because I like the taste of diet coke.
1 andro is used by pros?? LMFAO!!! okay man... you go ahead and waste your money... you are not going to get anything out of it but hey, some people have to learn the hard way, waste money and time etc... thats up to you... i tried to help but PLEASE do not tell me pros are using 1andro... thats a joke in such a major way man...
I would totally smash one or two of these and not think twice. I love mcdonalds... thats why I hardly ever go there. Last time I went there I got 2 large fries and 5 mcdoubles and a diet coke.... because I like the taste of diet coke.
LOLLLL i love it!
I would totally smash one or two of these and not think twice. I love mcdonalds... thats why I hardly ever go there. Last time I went there I got 2 large fries and 5 mcdoubles and a diet coke.... because I like the taste of diet coke.

Love mcdoubles and their fries. Eating a salad right now Ugggh!
But why? Why is it so much worse than any other prohormones? 1-andro is in many pros. I'm just just wondering because more of my friends are starting to take this product because it's non androgenic and methylated so they think it's not bad for you, but if it is i want to steer them away from it. Thanks!
Anything non methylated as a prohormone is pretty much worthless on results
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