
Sup guys new here


Sup guys, New here, been reading up on SARMS watching Dylan vids, its past 3 am currently, need to get some sleep. Wanted to get registered and leave a little introduction.
Didn't see an introduction section on this site so, i hope its ok to drop it here.
34 male, 5'11 285lbs, Dropped down from 325lbs. Been doing more cardio at the gym.
Currently do 10 x 10 on everything then a 20 min walk on the treadmill at the end of the workout.

Of course i am looking to cut a big and add some mass, never done any form of anabolic steroid before, nor a cycle of anything. So i figured SARMS is a very good starting point for me.

Some questions have developed as i was laying out a spread sheet to keep track of the cycle.

I will post them tomorrow or actually later today at a more reasonable (my time).

I registered on Need to Build Muscle and signed up for their news letter.

Does anyone know if they still send out newletters along with discount codes? Is there a current code?
Welcome ! All the info you need is right here, I'm new to sarms too & these folks helped me from jump street, are very knowledgable, & give great care to make sure new comers & old set things up safe & properly with all you need in top notch sarms from sarmsx !

Enjoy your stay !
Welcome aboard, man. This is a great place to dig for some information regarding sarms. Some guys on here are very knowledgeable on the subject.
Sup guys, New here, been reading up on SARMS watching Dylan vids, its past 3 am currently, need to get some sleep. Wanted to get registered and leave a little introduction.
Didn't see an introduction section on this site so, i hope its ok to drop it here.
34 male, 5'11 285lbs, Dropped down from 325lbs. Been doing more cardio at the gym.
Currently do 10 x 10 on everything then a 20 min walk on the treadmill at the end of the workout.

Of course i am looking to cut a big and add some mass, never done any form of anabolic steroid before, nor a cycle of anything. So i figured SARMS is a very good starting point for me.

Some questions have developed as i was laying out a spread sheet to keep track of the cycle.

I will post them tomorrow or actually later today at a more reasonable (my time).

I registered on Need to Build Muscle and signed up for their news letter.

Does anyone know if they still send out newletters along with discount codes? Is there a current code?

Bro, first of all welcome to the forum! We are glad to have you here with us,mane you are definitely in the right place. First of all, stay away from anything from need to build muscle. Don't waste your money on any products from there, and don't look to them for information on anything. That's not going to be beneficial to you at all and will just waste your time and money

You have the right mindset to use sarms for your goals at the moment. You are not in the right shape for steroids, and they are not fat burners anyways so they don't fit with your current goals. I have the perfect sarms stack for you that will help you lose fat, build muscle, And strength as well as endurance

Run this stack, and get everything from

1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day
Welcome to the board bro.. N2BM is a joke so stay away and get your knowledge from this forum. Rick gave you a great layout to help achieve your goals.
Thanks guys, your replies leads to more questions.... Everything i seen and read before joining even while reading Dylans post and vids on other forums always talked about n2bm products like the n2guard and Hcgenerate ES and N2Slin was recommended. If thats not the way to go (i assume cause you guys know more then i do)

What is the replacement for n2guard?
Replacement for Hcgenerate ES?

I know the n2slin wasn't needed but recommended
From what i gathered HCgenerate ES was really good for testosterone and spike in libido

is one of the sarms you listed above in part of the stack a replacement for this?

One more question i have... is there a direct link that has a complete stack with EVERYTHING you listed above that i would need in 1 package?
Thanks guys, your replies leads to more questions.... Everything i seen and read before joining even while reading Dylans post and vids on other forums always talked about n2bm products like the n2guard and Hcgenerate ES and N2Slin was recommended. If thats not the way to go (i assume cause you guys know more then i do)

What is the replacement for n2guard?
Replacement for Hcgenerate ES?

I know the n2slin wasn't needed but recommended
From what i gathered HCgenerate ES was really good for testosterone and spike in libido

is one of the sarms you listed above in part of the stack a replacement for this?

One more question i have... is there a direct link that has a complete stack with EVERYTHING you listed above that i would need in 1 package?

welcome to isarms brother, its great to have you... brother, apparently your seeing very very old information... why on earth would you register with need2buildmuscle or use any of their products? i left there nearly 2 years ago for very very good reason... save your money.. do your research here... we are all here to TRULY help at all times and I am always here to help in any way I can... I can help you setting up your sarms stacks and whatever else you need...

hcgenerate is a waste of money... you are find to use d apartic acid on your sarms stack

n2guard is THREE TIMES the price of the normal priced products that do the same exact thing... you dont need it with sarms anyway

n2slin... well LOL i'll leave that alone... LOL just save your money, trust me

The VERY BEST sarms you can find are at for your goals, this is the stack that i would recommend for you with the goals you have and here is the link for the stack as well as the pct... and

here is the layout...

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout and non workout days, all at once in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Welcome bro! ISarms is all you need for quality info. Forget NTBM, they're ass hats. SARMS are a great route for you when you decide to take things to another level and Sarmsx products and iSarms info are a power combo of top shelf product and information. Believe me you don't need to go to a single other place.

Rick's sarm stack btw is on point. It'll help drop fat and build muscle very well. Enjoy your journey!! :)

Phurious Pharma Rep
Email me at [email protected]
Code 'JS5' for 5% off

just a suggestion. It would be great if there was a place to purchase gift Cards or Gift Codes that are applied as a positive balance on the account. Wanted to put some of the order on 1 card and use another, Not a big deal.

Thanks for all your replies, look forward to getting my order and getting started

just a suggestion. It would be great if there was a place to purchase gift Cards or Gift Codes that are applied as a positive balance on the account. Wanted to put some of the order on 1 card and use another, Not a big deal.

Thanks for all your replies, look forward to getting my order and getting started

nice bro! keep us updated on your results throughout and let me know if you need any help along the way...
So i ordered the Enhanced Super Stack 12 weeks

Shows delivery on monday, so i will start on tuesday. Just a quick question i been taking Phentermine, for awhile now, doctor prescription, it worked great at first its kind of weak now

I kind of just take it cause its there. When i start the cycle should i just keep taking it? My thinking is it will just help aid in loss, but rather hear your guys opinions

So i ordered the Enhanced Super Stack 12 weeks

Shows delivery on monday, so i will start on tuesday. Just a quick question i been taking Phentermine, for awhile now, doctor prescription, it worked great at first its kind of weak now

I kind of just take it cause its there. When i start the cycle should i just keep taking it? My thinking is it will just help aid in loss, but rather hear your guys opinions


You'll love that sarms stack bro. Yes, you are fine to keep taking the phen when you start your cycle. No problem there. It will only help fat loss
Thanks, I added a bottle of Triple X to my order, so that will be coming in aswell. Going to give it a go as a pre-workout, also been fucking this milf on the other side of town. Take a full one and see if she notices a difference.
Thanks for all the info and replies, Tuesday will be my first day of 16 weeks, I plan on creating another thread as a log. I will keep a food journal aswell. My diet isn't perfect but last time i kept a food journal i did pretty good, a few fuck ups here and there but overall was good. I droped from 325lbs to 285lbs... So over the next 16 weeks along with a food journal + Sarms + Hard work Lets see if I Can hit my goal of 245 to 250lbs... I used to be in really good shape in HS and College, was about 225lbs not extremely cut but was more then acceptable. Partying ect ect... Car accident anxiety and depress took over... Time to really get it in and get back

I made this up and printed it out to put on my fridge as a daily quick reminder of dosages and check off days...

Trying to get like RickRock Over there lol

yes its great to keep track of everything throughly... that should help a lot... your going to do great on this cycle, just keep consistent and dedicated... im always here to help if you need me... good luck with the cycle and keep us updated throughout...
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