
Sugar Cravings

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We need more nutriton related threads gear is simple too optimize results most people overdue it and training is over thought as well heavy too moderate compound lifts and some isolation too the point of overload and your good . Nutrition is the part that will make or break a good physique thats where it get tricky. Its also the place where things go really bad when done wrong super low calorie protien only diets that turn into starvation induced binge eating disorders laxative abuse and purging yes these thing happen too guys and not discussed enough too prevent .and with knowladge of proper nutrition this can be prevented Ive been there all bodybuilders have . I only thought about it because severe sugar cravings are generally your body telling you your not getting enough of something and rather than fighting it off with artifical sweeteners until leptin drops so low you go on an uncontrollable binge how about adding 150 grams of rice and a 8 oz sweet patatoe too your daily intake .

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We need more nutriton related threads gear is simple too optimize results most people overdue it and training is over thought as well heavy too moderate compound lifts and some isolation too the point of overload and your good . Nutrition is the part that will make or break a good physique thats where it get tricky. Its also the place where things go really bad when done wrong super low calorie protien only diets that turn into starvation induced binge eating disorders laxative abuse and purging yes these thing happen too guys and not discussed enough too prevent .and with knowladge of proper nutrition this can be prevented Ive been there all bodybuilders have . I only thought about it because severe sugar cravings are generally your body telling you your not getting enough of something and rather than fighting it off with artifical sweeteners until leptin drops so low you go on an uncontrollable binge how about adding 150 grams of rice and a 8 oz sweet patatoe too your daily intake .

Sent from my LG-H631 using Tapatalk

Agree brother. Proper nutrition is often overlooked by many, and it's the most important part. The gear and the training is the easy part....but the nutrition is unfortunately where many fall short

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We need more nutriton related threads gear is simple too optimize results most people overdue it and training is over thought as well heavy too moderate compound lifts and some isolation too the point of overload and your good . Nutrition is the part that will make or break a good physique thats where it get tricky. Its also the place where things go really bad when done wrong super low calorie protien only diets that turn into starvation induced binge eating disorders laxative abuse and purging yes these thing happen too guys and not discussed enough too prevent .and with knowladge of proper nutrition this can be prevented Ive been there all bodybuilders have . I only thought about it because severe sugar cravings are generally your body telling you your not getting enough of something and rather than fighting it off with artifical sweeteners until leptin drops so low you go on an uncontrollable binge how about adding 150 grams of rice and a 8 oz sweet patatoe too your daily intake .

Sent from my LG-H631 using Tapatalk

Great idea by the way! It would be even great to have it as a third section or something: gear and Sarms talk, Source talk AND Diet/nutrition talk. That way it would be saperated, and when you need quickly to re-read some info on specific subject, we would have less browsing between info we dont require at that moment...
Nutriton related threads are great, especialy for bodybuilders in cycling lifestile, bulking-cutting periods...
Sometimes you can pick up amazing ideas, and remember about few forgoten ones. All that would be equaly important to sharpen our goals.
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I've never been a sugar craving person... Never really liked sweets until I started running gear now it consumes my mind. Sometimes I'll pace back and forth and try to convince myself why I should eat something sweet. Eventually it goes away but some days it's really bad...

At first I thought it was due to high estrogen but I even had the sugar cravings on TRT / cruise dosages...

Anyone else get these?
This is interesting. I have had the same experience. I run endurance PEDs for years. Never really liked sugar. Once I started NPP/Deca and Boldenone, my sugar cravings at night went nuts. Nice post.

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Great idea by the way! It would be even great to have it as a third section or something: gear and Sarms talk, Source talk AND Diet/nutrition talk. That way it would be saperated, and when you need quickly to re-read some info on specific subject, we would have less browsing between info we dont require at that moment...
Nutriton related threads are great, especialy for bodybuilders in cycling lifestile, bulking-cutting periods...
Sometimes you can pick up amazing ideas, and remember about few forgoten ones. All that would be equaly important to sharpen our goals.

everything is perfect as it is laid out... the more sub sections you add, the harder to navigate, the harder it actually is to get to all the threads etc... i assure you, i've been doing this long enough to know the best way to go about it... we can add plenty of diet related threads right here and they will get noticed and responded to FAR more this way... trust me...
This is interesting. I have had the same experience. I run endurance PEDs for years. Never really liked sugar. Once I started NPP/Deca and Boldenone, my sugar cravings at night went nuts. Nice post.

Sent from my STV100-1 using Tapatalk

thats crazy... i never have experienced this... ive always been a sugar person but it was never elevated with aas use... its so strange how much it effects us different...
We need more nutriton related threads gear is simple too optimize results most people overdue it and training is over thought as well heavy too moderate compound lifts and some isolation too the point of overload and your good . Nutrition is the part that will make or break a good physique thats where it get tricky. Its also the place where things go really bad when done wrong super low calorie protien only diets that turn into starvation induced binge eating disorders laxative abuse and purging yes these thing happen too guys and not discussed enough too prevent .and with knowladge of proper nutrition this can be prevented Ive been there all bodybuilders have . I only thought about it because severe sugar cravings are generally your body telling you your not getting enough of something and rather than fighting it off with artifical sweeteners until leptin drops so low you go on an uncontrollable binge how about adding 150 grams of rice and a 8 oz sweet patatoe too your daily intake .

Sent from my LG-H631 using Tapatalk

this is well said... a lot of times, as you pointed out, cravings are a result of a lack of something... we DO need some sugar each day... i tend to get a pack of life savers and have a few each day or small dum dum suckers etc... just a few, nothing crazy or substantial, but enough to feed a craving and get the amount of sugar i need... one piece of fruit and a hard candy or two etc... thats generally what i do... otherwise you can run into low blood sugar issues and i assure you, that is the last thing you want... there's a lot of misunderstanding with diet in general and the more knowledge that is passed will improve lives drastically... there's A LOT that goes into this lifestyle... being well rounded and learning ALL aspects is what gets you to the next level and extends your life... its so important to learn and understand all angles here...
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