I have been pinning in the shoulders with insulin needles for my testosterone needs. I’m using a 30 gauge 1ml capacity 12.7 mm length. So the needle I’m using is on the bigger side of insulin needles.
I was watching a video about injecting Sub Q Iv always been nervous about injecting test Sub Q as it’s a thicker oil. I inject HCG with a smaller insulin needle sub q no issues prior to PCT every cycle.
What do you think about injecting into the glute fat with an 30 gauge 12.7mm length. Or possible the quad?.
So I would be injecting into the glute just as normal but with a much smaller needle so it may not penetrate the muscle in the glute or quad.
Think it would work ?
I was watching a video about injecting Sub Q Iv always been nervous about injecting test Sub Q as it’s a thicker oil. I inject HCG with a smaller insulin needle sub q no issues prior to PCT every cycle.
What do you think about injecting into the glute fat with an 30 gauge 12.7mm length. Or possible the quad?.
So I would be injecting into the glute just as normal but with a much smaller needle so it may not penetrate the muscle in the glute or quad.
Think it would work ?