
Steroid cycle


New member
Hello sir
I have seen many of ur YouTube videos and those videos are very useful for me. I am so much thankful for that.
I have a question regarding my steroid cycle. My gym trainer is an experienced guy 51 years of age and still doing body building. Still competing. He is suggesting me to do a steroid cycle as he says that my body type is rugged and my genetics are good.
He is suggesting me to use the following things
1. Stanozolol
2. Testosterone propionate
3. Primobolan
4. Trenbolone
He said he will design the cycle accordingly using these 4 steroids.
I trust this guy but I want an opinion from you also.
What cycle would you suggest me? I am Mesomorph , 84 kg weight , 5.8 height
Please suggest me a good cycle..
Hello sir
I have seen many of ur YouTube videos and those videos are very useful for me. I am so much thankful for that.
I have a question regarding my steroid cycle. My gym trainer is an experienced guy 51 years of age and still doing body building. Still competing. He is suggesting me to do a steroid cycle as he says that my body type is rugged and my genetics are good.
He is suggesting me to use the following things
1. Stanozolol
2. Testosterone propionate
3. Primobolan
4. Trenbolone
He said he will design the cycle accordingly using these 4 steroids.
I trust this guy but I want an opinion from you also.
What cycle would you suggest me? I am Mesomorph , 84 kg weight , 5.8 height
Please suggest me a good cycle..

if you trust this guy then i feel very very sorry for you in life in general because you won't ever make it... its clear this is your first cycle... how old are you? what is your body fat? have you ran any sort of cycle before?
Hi, I'm new to all this too but I think it needs to be saod, never do a drug because someone is "suggesting" it to you. You need to take it VERY seriously and look at the pros and cons and decide if it is for you. Do tonnes of research, ask a hundred questions on these forums and realise what you're getting into. You will be manipulating your hormones and it will have drastic and permanent effects on your body, both positive and negative. Props to you for asking on here first though. Whatever advice the veterans on here give you, you must follow it down to the letter.

For the record, anyone telling you to do trenbolone on your first cycle is someone that you definitely cannot trust and you can freely disregard anything else he says.
You shouldn't trust this guy.. Cause his advice is reckless to say the least. Sounds like this may be your first cycle, and tren shouldnt even be a topic of discussion
We need your full stats including your age and bodyfat level. You don't want to ever listen to guys like this. For a first cycle tht is way overkill and reckless. He gave you a list of compounds bigger than advanced users use. General rule of thumb for a first cycle is test only
Hello sir
I have seen many of ur YouTube videos and those videos are very useful for me. I am so much thankful for that.
I have a question regarding my steroid cycle. My gym trainer is an experienced guy 51 years of age and still doing body building. Still competing. He is suggesting me to do a steroid cycle as he says that my body type is rugged and my genetics are good.
He is suggesting me to use the following things
1. Stanozolol
2. Testosterone propionate
3. Primobolan
4. Trenbolone
He said he will design the cycle accordingly using these 4 steroids.
I trust this guy but I want an opinion from you also.
What cycle would you suggest me? I am Mesomorph , 84 kg weight , 5.8 height
Please suggest me a good cycle..

First of all buddy you should not trust anyone who suggests to mention all these compound to you if it will be your first cycle. Your stats need to be addressed before anyone here on this forum who cares about the well being of the person asking for advice. We see this all the time. The good thing is you came here to ask but if you trust him i feel bad for you.
Hi, I'm new to all this too but I think it needs to be saod, never do a drug because someone is "suggesting" it to you. You need to take it VERY seriously and look at the pros and cons and decide if it is for you. Do tonnes of research, ask a hundred questions on these forums and realise what you're getting into. You will be manipulating your hormones and it will have drastic and permanent effects on your body, both positive and negative. Props to you for asking on here first though. Whatever advice the veterans on here give you, you must follow it down to the letter.

For the record, anyone telling you to do trenbolone on your first cycle is someone that you definitely cannot trust and you can freely disregard anything else he says.

while you may be new to this, your not new to life and you gave very solid advice... this is just common sense one would think... your a very wise man and your input is appreciated bro
Oh, Thanks Dylan, I try my best! I stay away from giving very specific advice though. Plenty more experienced guys on here that can get really specific when need be. I stick to philosophy mostly haha.

What I glean most from you veteran guys on here is always safety and harm reduction and starting slow and listening to your body and asking the right questions and gaining as much knowledge as possible before starting an endeavour. (example: MORE IS NOT ALWAYS BETTER!!!) So I try to apply that to all things to do with aas and hopefully others will too.
Oh, Thanks Dylan, I try my best! I stay away from giving very specific advice though. Plenty more experienced guys on here that can get really specific when need be. I stick to philosophy mostly haha.

What I glean most from you veteran guys on here is always safety and harm reduction and starting slow and listening to your body and asking the right questions and gaining as much knowledge as possible before starting an endeavour. (example: MORE IS NOT ALWAYS BETTER!!!) So I try to apply that to all things to do with aas and hopefully others will too.

thats the key bro... everything you just said... the listening, the learning, implementing and then giving back to others... thats what is all about and people like you set a great example... i hope more and more follow this type of example...
Hello brother thanks for ur advice
I'll give you my stats
Height 5.8
Weight 84
Chest 43
Waist 32
Body fat I exactly cannot tell but little bulky stomach
Can u please suggest me what's good for me?
Hello brother thanks for ur advice
I'll give you my stats
Height 5.8
Weight 84
Chest 43
Waist 32
Body fat I exactly cannot tell but little bulky stomach
Can u please suggest me what's good for me?

"little bulky stomach" does not give a bodyfat %, we need a bodyfat % this is important. also what is your age? 5'8" 185, that better be lean bro....
Hello brother thanks for ur advice
I'll give you my stats
Height 5.8
Weight 84
Chest 43
Waist 32
Body fat I exactly cannot tell but little bulky stomach
Can u please suggest me what's good for me?

You're BF might be too high to start a AAS cycle.. If you don't have a clue on BF then I don't think you're prepared for a cycle. You should consider a SARMS stack to cut fat and build some lean mass.
Well for one the first cycle should never contain Trenbalone and for two keep it simple if it's your first. Most of us here will recommend test only cycle but could see benefit from adding in the GW from SarmsX to compliment your testosterone and help get down that bulky stomach. If you body fat % is in the 20's you are carrying too much fat to start a cycle. Keep asking questions.

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