I have already been diagnosed twice with low t. Also 485 is my total t not free t which is what is most import.ive already been told I have secondary hypogonadism by 2 different doctors. When I was 21 my total t came back at 381. Tell me how 381-485 with a range up to 1197 and being 29 year old is not low? And having all these symptoms are normal?!
No appetite
Muscle weakness
Always tired
Cold, and hot sweats
No sex drive
No errections
Loss of sensitivity in errection
Hard to ejaculate
Hard to recover after getting sick
Feeling of heart beat
Feeling of to much adrenaline
Uneasy feeling
Foggy Brain
Weight loss
sleep deprivation can cause all of those, just for one example. (apnea, hyper vigilance, etc)
Your t is not low at all and well within normal ranges.