I have been eating well training hard and going ham in the gymnasium.
Got 4 years of serious OCR runs and a shit ton of MA training(25 yrs) and training for aesthetics.
So anyway, I went to a source for some "help" to beef up with a goal of hitting 165# at a moderate BF level and less tendinitis.
Well i gained solid weight from 140 with a sloppy belly to a decent 150ish with no love handles.
At 42 I am relatively happy with that.
However, if i were enhanced I would expects a little bit more.
I wont mention the source because i do not have blood work to confirm my suspicions and they arent an approved spot any way.
So my point is, if you get a good connect, which I used to have long ago, KEEP IT AND HOLD IT!!!
Because I am just not doing well with these bastards I keep buying from.
I am really about to find me some damn pellets and learn how to convert that shyte meself!!!!!
Got 4 years of serious OCR runs and a shit ton of MA training(25 yrs) and training for aesthetics.
So anyway, I went to a source for some "help" to beef up with a goal of hitting 165# at a moderate BF level and less tendinitis.
Well i gained solid weight from 140 with a sloppy belly to a decent 150ish with no love handles.
At 42 I am relatively happy with that.
However, if i were enhanced I would expects a little bit more.
I wont mention the source because i do not have blood work to confirm my suspicions and they arent an approved spot any way.
So my point is, if you get a good connect, which I used to have long ago, KEEP IT AND HOLD IT!!!
Because I am just not doing well with these bastards I keep buying from.
I am really about to find me some damn pellets and learn how to convert that shyte meself!!!!!