Started a cycle of rad140 23 days ago and was told to buy some off esarms for assured quality. I bought 3 months worth of Testolone (rad140) and it came with 2 bottles of m1-mk. I'm going to just go with the flow and go ahead and start the complete strength stack.
It says to take 7 caps of mk per day and 1ml (liquid form) of rad. I have been on 20mg of rad per day, should i still only be taking 1ml or 2ml? I don't know the conversion and don't want to be using too much
It says to take 7 caps of mk per day and 1ml (liquid form) of rad. I have been on 20mg of rad per day, should i still only be taking 1ml or 2ml? I don't know the conversion and don't want to be using too much