All right! I will update on this thread as I go, maybe week by week.
I started today:
200 mg/ew Tren-Hex 1-10
600 mg/ew Test Cyp 1-12
10 mg/ed YK-11 1-12
50 mg/ed Proviron 1-12
50 mg/ed Anadrol 1-6
20 mg/ed Cardarine 1-12
10 mg/ed Ibutamoren 1-12
Can I finish off weeks 7-12 with Winstrol and weeks 11-12 with HCG?
(Stop me if you see something really off, yeah?)
arimidex, tamoxifen, citruilline, zinc, good sleep, clean eats from the wife/zookeeper at feeding time
Not a power lifter, but going for enhanced olympiad
89 kg/196 lbs at 5'10", not sure about body fat ratio but looking tight
P.S. - I've been living in Indonesia and have had to make do with a label called Body Hack, but if can ship to me, I'll go with that soon.