
Stacking Tbol with LGD-4033 and Rad-140 as kick start to cycle


Whats up everybody! This is my first time posting on this forum but I see a lot of guys on here from another that I used to post on. Anyway, while watching one of Dylan's videos he mentioned stacking T-bol with LGD and RAD-140 as a substitute to Dbol and Drol to get Dbol like effects without the sides. Was just wondering if anyone has tried this technique and how did you like the results? What dosage did you use and for how long? I think Dylan said that you can take T-bol for up to 6 weeks unlike Dbol and Drol. Thanks in advance guys.
First question everyone will want before answering is stats. Age, BF, experience with AAS for starters
I'm 32 years old, 6'2", 250lbs, 15% bodyfat(that's a guess). My first cycle was 4 weeks of M1-T 6 years ago. Since then I've ran 4 cycles with my last consisting of

30mg of Dbol weeks 1-4
750mg of Robo Test E weeks 1-16
600mg of Robo EQ weeks 1-16
300mg of Robo Tren weeks 1-8
Aromasin at 12.5mg EOD
GW 20mg a day weeks 1-8


Followed the "perfect" 7 week PCT as laid out on another site.

Really just want to know if anyone has used Dylan's idea of replacing Dbol with Tbol, LGD and RAD-140.
I'm going to be adding the Tbol to my 250 deca/250 test c cycle as soon as BGS gets it back in stock.
Maybe Tbol is not a bad compound by itself needs too be run a little higher dose but I like it over dbol . all I get from dbol is a ton of water retention and horrible back pumps .

Sent from my LG-H631 using Tapatalk
I haven't tried the combo but I could see it being very effective. I like the idea of Tbol with LGD and RAD. Two oral steroids would be very toxic and probably make you feel like shit. You could see awesome gains mixing the sarms with Tbol.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Whats up everybody! This is my first time posting on this forum but I see a lot of guys on here from another that I used to post on. Anyway, while watching one of Dylan's videos he mentioned stacking T-bol with LGD and RAD-140 as a substitute to Dbol and Drol to get Dbol like effects without the sides. Was just wondering if anyone has tried this technique and how did you like the results? What dosage did you use and for how long? I think Dylan said that you can take T-bol for up to 6 weeks unlike Dbol and Drol. Thanks in advance guys.

ive had several clients run this stack with HUGE results... i have done it with winstrol and got very strong results... clearly you will get more size with tbol... i was not after the size then... i literally just had a close friend that was prepping for a show and he desperately needed more size but absolutely had to get shredded in the process which he clearly could not do with dbol so he took the chance on this and his transformation was fucking amazing... he took 2nd and that was by far his best finish in any show he has done... hes fucking calling me off the hook thanking me etc... i swear he calls nearly everyday about it and everytime i see him at the gym, he keeps talking about it lolll ...

you would go with tbol 6 weeks at 60 mg per day... lgd and rad both 12 weeks... lgd at 10 mg per day and rad 20-30 mg per day... i have no clue what pct your following but i assure you i have the most complete layout for you... here is the link to purchase the entire stack as well as the layout... also, in your cycle, you need to run gw 12 weeks...

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
ive had several clients run this stack with HUGE results... i have done it with winstrol and got very strong results... clearly you will get more size with tbol... i was not after the size then... i literally just had a close friend that was prepping for a show and he desperately needed more size but absolutely had to get shredded in the process which he clearly could not do with dbol so he took the chance on this and his transformation was fucking amazing... he took 2nd and that was by far his best finish in any show he has done... hes fucking calling me off the hook thanking me etc... i swear he calls nearly everyday about it and everytime i see him at the gym, he keeps talking about it lolll ...

you would go with tbol 6 weeks at 60 mg per day... lgd and rad both 12 weeks... lgd at 10 mg per day and rad 20-30 mg per day... i have no clue what pct your following but i assure you i have the most complete layout for you... here is the link to purchase the entire stack as well as the layout... also, in your cycle, you need to run gw 12 weeks...

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day

That is exactly how I ran my PCT last time and it was honestly the best I've every felt after a cycle. On my other cycles I just ran the clomid and nolva. I loved the way I felt with the GW and MK added in. I literally felt no different than I did when I was on. I've also decided to add MK-677 into the mix and run it for the entire year. I'm going to lower my test dose and raise the EQ as you've mentioned several times in your videos. I'll keep the tren the same but I'll add in Prami as you've suggested. I've never run into any problems with tren, as the most I do is 300mg a week for 8 weeks but it never hurts to be safe. Anyway, I really appreciate the response and I want to say THANK YOU Dylan for sharing your knowledge and ideas when it comes to supplementation. I know a few guys that compete at a very high level that didn't even know about PCT or AIs! I've referred them to your videos so you are doing a great service. Keep it up brother!
Maybe Tbol is not a bad compound by itself needs too be run a little higher dose but I like it over dbol . all I get from dbol is a ton of water retention and horrible back pumps .

Sent from my LG-H631 using Tapatalk

Same here. Even at 40mg a week(which is considered a low dose to some) I retained water like crazy. Got strong as hell but I just hated feeling my head was about to pop when I bent over to tie my shoes! LOL.
I stay pretty lean under 10 percent usually year round so when Inadd in dbol the bloat makes me look so different my abs all water lines fade I hate that shit

Sent from my LG-H631 using Tapatalk
That is exactly how I ran my PCT last time and it was honestly the best I've every felt after a cycle. On my other cycles I just ran the clomid and nolva. I loved the way I felt with the GW and MK added in. I literally felt no different than I did when I was on. I've also decided to add MK-677 into the mix and run it for the entire year. I'm going to lower my test dose and raise the EQ as you've mentioned several times in your videos. I'll keep the tren the same but I'll add in Prami as you've suggested. I've never run into any problems with tren, as the most I do is 300mg a week for 8 weeks but it never hurts to be safe. Anyway, I really appreciate the response and I want to say THANK YOU Dylan for sharing your knowledge and ideas when it comes to supplementation. I know a few guys that compete at a very high level that didn't even know about PCT or AIs! I've referred them to your videos so you are doing a great service. Keep it up brother!

your more than welcome brother... im so happy to see that not only did you have such an excellent recovery but your also helping others in the process... thats what its all about bro... im more than happy to help you... 677 is a sweet addition in there as well... anyone you have that needs my help, just let me know brother! im always here to help you whenever i can bro...
That is exactly how I ran my PCT last time and it was honestly the best I've every felt after a cycle. On my other cycles I just ran the clomid and nolva. I loved the way I felt with the GW and MK added in. I literally felt no different than I did when I was on. I've also decided to add MK-677 into the mix and run it for the entire year. I'm going to lower my test dose and raise the EQ as you've mentioned several times in your videos. I'll keep the tren the same but I'll add in Prami as you've suggested. I've never run into any problems with tren, as the most I do is 300mg a week for 8 weeks but it never hurts to be safe. Anyway, I really appreciate the response and I want to say THANK YOU Dylan for sharing your knowledge and ideas when it comes to supplementation. I know a few guys that compete at a very high level that didn't even know about PCT or AIs! I've referred them to your videos so you are doing a great service. Keep it up brother!

And that's exactly the kind of feedback I like to hear. That's why we preach so much to people the importance of having GW and MK-2866 in pct. it literally changes the whole concept of pct all together. It's a total game changer, and anybody that's done it realizes its importance and probably won't run a pct without them
And that's exactly the kind of feedback I like to hear. That's why we preach so much to people the importance of having GW and MK-2866 in pct. it literally changes the whole concept of pct all together. It's a total game changer, and anybody that's done it realizes its importance and probably won't run a pct without them

Yeah man, it makes sense to me to constantly research and study before every cycle to improve it from the last one and that certainly includes pct. Sure the gear is the fun part but to me PCT is the most important. Without it those 12, 16, 20 weeks are wasted and you'll be in a world of hurt. Saw a good friend of mine go through a short bout of depression after he came off. Had no idea he didn't have any knowledge of this because he has an awesome physique. Hasn't happened to me because I had solid guidance and started off slow. Don't understand why you wouldn't want to research compounds till you're blue in the face of you're going to be putting them in your body! People like Dylan and forums like this can save people's lives in a very literal sense.
So pretty much this is an oral only cycle? Hmm


No not at all! I would be using the tbol, lgd, and rad as a kick start instead of dbol. Test cyp, Tren ace, and Eq is what I'm mostly likely going to run along with the orals. I ain't new to this so I would never do an oral cycle only. My first cycle ever was 4 weeks of that prohormone M1-T and it kicked my ass! LOL. I ran a few prohormone cycles after that...epistane, halodrol before I graduated to the good stuff.
No not at all! I would be using the tbol, lgd, and rad as a kick start instead of dbol. Test cyp, Tren ace, and Eq is what I'm mostly likely going to run along with the orals. I ain't new to this so I would never do an oral cycle only. My first cycle ever was 4 weeks of that prohormone M1-T and it kicked my ass! LOL. I ran a few prohormone cycles after that...epistane, halodrol before I graduated to the good stuff.
I would just start the injectables for two weeks and then add the tbol in at week 2-7 or 8. Let the synergistic effects of all the compounds work together.

So pretty much this is an oral only cycle? Hmm


I was thinking the same thing? I noticed that this was recommended quite a bit. I am very new to this and still learning. I'm on my first cycle of Sarms and was thinking about this route next, but saw that oral only was bad. So, some insight would be great to shed on this.
He CLEARLY said this was a kickstart... How would one kickstart an oral only cycle when the oral IS the kickstart??
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