Went to the gym with a grand idea of having just an awesome workout that would be one to remember. I heard one of the personal trainer dudes talking about having to use the access cards today because the gym was gonna be closed (base gym and a 4 day holiday). Well that dude was a complete fucktard, the gym was open and it was crowded AF. So I get there and start with delts. 225# shoulder presses for 20,14,12,10, rear laterals 4x12, side laterals 4x10 all while keeping time between sets at 10 seconds. My delts were so pumped it was debilitating and I had to stop training and go to the dry sauna to seek relief, then I laid on the mat to stretch for like 20 minutes still no relief. My delts were full and on fire. I walked to my car and had to stop like every 10 steps to bend over and let my arms hang free. It was horrible man, never had my delts engorged with blood like that and it was not pleasant to say the least. They looked great, just felt like someone pinned me with radioactive shit that was eating my arms off from the inside out.