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Some baaad info being spread in other forums...Gotdamn Gotdamn


Internet steroid myths


I just wanted to cover a few topics based on Internet Myths related to steroid use that are NOT practiced outside the internet. This does not mean these procedures are not necessary under specific conditions, OR for specific users, it's just an overall judgment of real world experiences in relation to the ironically inaccurate information presented on the internet.


Have you ever been to a Doctor and had an IM shot? Doctors NEVER aspirate when giving IM injections. This is purely an internet thing. If you ask your local Doctor about Aspiration they will most likely tell you what they have told me. It is very unlikely you're going to draw blood into the syringe if you're using correct injection procedures. If you're randomly injecting with your eyes closed you could potentially draw blood but it is very unlikely making the procedure or aspiration completely useless. If you do accidently inject into a blood vessel or hit a vein you will experience mild/moderate PIP (Post Injection Pain) and some numbness in the limb.

Do a YouTube search of Doctors (LEGITIMATE DOCTORS) giving IM injections and watch the process. They NEVER aspirate. It's an internet thing that probably originated from paranoia or misinformation and over analysis of the process.


It's IMPOSSIBLE to get your natural levels back to their original state faster than what your body can physically do, drugs or no drugs, period. If you didn't take anything whatsoever you would still reach complete recovery in the same time period when taking PCT drugs. If you don't reach recovery and you experience some type of sides, you would have experienced these sides regardless of PCT. I've never taken PCT, I don't know anyone who has, besides people on the internet. I have never experienced bad sides from no PCT. It's a myth. If you're a very heavy advanced steroid user, who pins over 1g ew then yeah you might need some type of assistance but for the majority of users it's completely useless. If you start to experience a rebound from excessive high dosages for long periods of time, take another shot, and then slowly taper down until your body recovers and cycle off.

The PCT drugs are made for women with breast cancer, they SHOULD NOT be taken by men, PERIOD!! Women should never take drugs that stimulate male hormones just like men should never take drugs that stimulate female hormones. The only drug you should ever take to control sides is an AI, that's it. Period.


Steroids are NOT magic guys. You will NOT gain 10kg (22lb) of muscle on a cycle. You might gain 10kg (22lb) of weight, but the majority of that weight is NOT muscle. When you come off you lose size. You're not losing muscle, you're losing water retention and inflammation etc. The primary reason men build more muscle on steroids than naturally is the fact you gain a very fast strength increase and stamina increase which allows you to train much much harder for much much longer and you recover much much faster than you would naturally. This speeds up protein synthesis dramatically, and add the other processes related to steroid use and you have very rapid weight gain, the majority of the weight is not muscle.

You will hear insane results from people on the internet stating they gain x amount of muscle in x amount of time. In reality, the first two weeks of pinning you will lose a fair bit of weight, especially if you're training hard. You will need to triple your daily food intake and reduce your cardio to maintain your weight. The weight loss is a direct result of an increase in testosterone, once your body adapts to this increase you will be very anabolic but for the first 2-3 weeks you will notice significant weight loss then a massive increase, the same process is reversed when you stop taking the supplements.


You will hear all kinds of myths about air bubbles in your needle and how they will either kill you or seriously cause you some type of harm. You are not injecting directly into your veins so the risk of serious damage is very, very, very unlikely. If you do accidently inject air into your muscle, you will experience moderate pip (Post injection pain) you may experience soreness and swelling. You may experience bruising. This will go away within 48 hours.

This myth probably originated from drug users or junkies who've used steroids and they're following the same drug protocol they do with illicit drugs than with steroid use. You should obviously try to avoid injecting air bubbles but if you do accidentally inject a small bubble, don't freak out and run to the hospital, chances are you'll probably end up in the police station explaining your illegal steroid use while organising your financial stability to help pay for the excessive fines you're about to be charged with... Keep cool.

This is an internet and media myth. If you're already an agitated and aggravated personal with a short temper and an aggressive personality, steroids will increase those tendencies. If you have a zero tolerance to BS you will most likely have an elevated BS radar that could potentially make you have less patience than usual, this has nothing to do with roid rage this is a basic human instinct when you start to turn from a boy to a man.

If you have a teenage Son or you know someone who has a teenage Son. (13-15) You will notice they have a serious attitude problem. They're usually always annoyed and they argue with everything you do or say and they always believe they're right. This is a natural process or growing up and turning into a man, it has nothing to do with roid rage caused by taking steroids.

These behaviour issues reside very fast, usually by 18-19 sometimes as early as 15-16 depending on the individual. These issues go away because as we hit 13+ we are at our total peak of test we will ever have in our entire life, it slowly drops as we age and continues to drop until we eventually die.

If an elderly man takes steroids he will feel like he's 15 again, the reason why is because the levels of test in his system have never been as high as they are except for when he first hit puberty. It's natural, it's normal and it's a cycles that cannot be avoided.

The media and internet myths make out like aggression and anger is a bad thing. Men need to be aggressive and angry to hunt and kill our food, to protect our loved ones and to stand up and fight when we are threatened. We need to have no fear and no emotions when we have to act in a way that could potentially kill us or kill someone we love. If you don't have these personality traits you're a beta male and the Alpha males will be walking all over you for the rest of your life.


There are a lot of myths online about steroids NOT being addictive and NOT being dangerous. The fact is; everything in excess is potentially damaging. ANY exogenous chemical from pollution, tobacco smoke, meat, water, food, drugs, alcohol, bacteria, viruses, diseases, infections, hot weather, cold weather, sun exposure, lack of sun exposure, too much nutrients, not enough nutrients, insect bites, poisons, etc etc etc the list is endless, literally endless.. EVERYTHING is potentially lethal. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING has the potential to kill you if you're exposed to it for long periods of time.

"Some" Steroids are non toxic that does not mean they're not dangerous. Steroids can and will cause serious health concerns if you abuse them for long periods of time. Steroids are addictive. EVERYTHING is addictive. If you stimulate your body or mind with a substance, a habit, a hobby for long periods of time, when you stop those 'rituals' you will have withdrawals and either relapse and go back to old habits or you will endure and move on.

Steroids are just as safe as smoking or driving a car.. If you drive a lot for many years chances are very high you will have some type of accident or witness an accident or know someone who has had an accident, it's inevitable, it's just a matter of when and how. if you do it in moderation the probability of a negative impact is reduced, vise versa.. If you smoke every day for 50 years, chances are you will die from a smoking related illness. If you take steroids for 20 years, chances are you're going to have health problems from steroid use, this could or could not potentially kill you. If you smoke very rarely, you may or may not have health problems.


We have reached the final segment of this post. I thank everyone for taking the time to read what I have written. You may or may not agree with what I have said, that's your personal preference. These are just opinions based on experiences in real world reality.

If you surf the steroid forums on the internet chances are you're going to hear insane and IMPOSSIBLE mg/ml dosings that people are claiming to be taking, which are IMPOSSIBLE. I've seen posts where members have stated 500mg+ per ml of test. You CANNOT get more than 350mg/ml of test in any solution PERIOD, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!! If you get legitimate pharma grade test you will NEVER get above 300mg/ml... The reason why is IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!!! Think of the solution/oil as being an empty swimming pool and the actual testosterone within the solution is what fills up the pool. You can only fit x amount of hormone into x amount of solution before you fill the volume of the swimming pool. Once the pool is full it will overflows and wash away.

When you get legitimate legally made test from a pharmacy it will still be slightly underdosed, the reason why is because it's physically IMPOSSIBLE to add x amount of hormone into x amount of solution without filling all the volume physically available. If you're taking test that claims it has x amount of hormone in x amount of solution per ml and the dose is above 350mg/ml you're being ripped off.

You will see insane myths about the doses needed to achieve results from steroid use. Chances are if you're taking over 300mg/ml of test your gear is either underdosed or bunk gear. 200+mg/ml is a very high dose if the gear you're getting is coming from a legally produced pharmacy. 200mg/ml will raise your test levels way above the natural limit.

If you're advanced and you've been cruising for a few years chances are you'll need a higher dose because your body has become dependent on that specific dose to maintain your mass. Many pro bodybuilders take much smaller doses than what's believed they take. If you're natural and you train x amount harder and your nutrition is x amount better than a regular steroid user, you can achieve the same if not better results, steroids or no steroids... Depending on specific genetic factors of course.
That's about as bad as the guys over at Evo saying HCG is poisonous pregnant female urine extract. Here... Buy this overpriced herbal supplement instead. 😂

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Aspiration is a safety precaution. it takes literally two seconds. so why not perform it? I don't really care what "doctors" do. its my body not theirs. most doctors also don't give two piss about their patients and prescribe them bullcrap medicine. so what? the point is if you inject fluid or air into your veins it will cause problems. will you die? very unlikely unless you inject a ton of fluid or air. BUT its very easy way to prevent potential problems. and by the way, I have been to doctors offices where they aspirate. some places teach it others don't. it depends where you go, but there ARE nurses and doctors that aspirate still. as far as injecting air bubbles, YES these are intramuscular injections so its not a severe issue like intravenous BUT again its still a SAFETY PRECAUTION. I make sure there are little to no bubbles when i draw because it makes no sense to not care about bubbles, ill take the extra 10 seconds and get most of bubbles out. why would we completely disregard aspiration because of the fact that's its unlikely to inject a vein? by that same logic, don't wear your seatbelt or get car insurance because its unlikely that you will get into an accident. in fact most people DONT yet we still pay insurance.

the excerpt about PCT is bogus dude. also AI are for females as well. Aromasin arimidex etc. that's all for breast cancer lol. saying you cant get your body back to natural state any faster with or without drugs is MOOT. not only that, lets say that statement was true for the sake of argument. even then, it doesn't matter because if it helps in some way, even the slightest, then that would be considered a boost in recovery. lets say we help reduce cortisol, or elevate our mood, or control estrogen, or even have a Placebo effect at the very least will STILL HELP. even a fake pill if the user believes it helps then they remain positive which in turn helps recovery process.

22 lbs of muscle Is impossible to gain in one cycle. I agree. BUT I don't agree with the statement that in first two weeks of pinning you will lose weight. that's never happened to me and ive never heard of that before. you also don't need to TRIPLE your food intake, that is overboard. I don't lose weight and I can raise my calories/macros if I need to adjust something. but ive NEVER tripled my food intake, even on a bulk. that makes no sense. my maintenance is 3000 so I need to eat 9000?? NO WAY
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Some things in here I do agree with, but most of it is complete bullshit.

It's true about gains on cycle and that most is not muscle. I agree with that.

The biggest problem is the bullshit about pct. They couldn't be farther off base. Bloodwork doesn't lie, and its a dead giveaway from all the people that are fucked up not doing pct that it works

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
i have to disagree on the aspiration. yes a lot of doctors don't do it, but how many of us have met doctors that are completely uneducated about certain things? i had a moron misdiagnose me with something a month ago. having worked with doctors in IT they can be really really stupid. it's amazing actually. if you want a good opinion of what to do, go ask a nurse, they are the ones that are hands on with patients and doing most of it anyway. it takes like 2 seconds anyway.

source: life experience/my mom has been a RN for 40 years
I almost made a thread earlier today about the bullshit I've read on other sites. Specifically not taking an AI until you "need" it and caber and prami being useless. They basically advise people to get gyno, lactate and then fight it. I saw a guy tell someone on 750mg of test to not take Aromasin until he needs it. WTF
I almost made a thread earlier today about the bullshit I've read on other sites. Specifically not taking an AI until you "need" it and caber and prami being useless. They basically advise people to get gyno, lactate and then fight it. I saw a guy tell someone on 750mg of test to not take Aromasin until he needs it. WTF

ooooooohhhhhhhhhh that shit pisses me off... yeah, lets wait until we are fucked up and THEN try to fix it when its already progressed... that makes a lot of fucking sense... well it does if your a fucking idiot... shit that pisses me off... im glad you called that bull shit out...
Lots of horrible info there bud. Thats what you get when youre on the internet. Theres a different answer for everything. Its up to each individual to do their due diligence, research multiple places, and use their best judgment.

Sent from my SM-G900P
I almost made a thread earlier today about the bullshit I've read on other sites. Specifically not taking an AI until you "need" it and caber and prami being useless. They basically advise people to get gyno, lactate and then fight it. I saw a guy tell someone on 750mg of test to not take Aromasin until he needs it. WTF

lol on 750mg you better be on AI or else
i just love all the guys out there telling people they dont need a pct and then they dont need to protect against estrogen and prolactin... "people are just being pussies" according to them... Yeah, big time pussy for not wanting to endure sides and wanting to recover to keep gains... yeah, big pussy for wanting to keep their libido high and for wanting to feel great while running their cycle... yeah... that makes sense... these guys are fucking so stupid... they have done so much juice they have no minds whatsoever... they are abusers and well, fucking losers too
I agree on all accept the pct. That's just not correct. I've experienced both with and without pct and it's completely different. Will you recover without it? Maybe. Maybe not. Will the pct keep you from not being able to use your dick and depression, low energy etc. yes it will in my experience. At the very minimum one should use aromasin to prevent estrogen rebound unless people want to get gyno. Bottom line you're better off doing a pct if you want to keep gains and avoid going through that period of very low test.

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That's about as bad as the guys over at Evo saying HCG is poisonous pregnant female urine extract. Here... Buy this overpriced herbal supplement instead. [emoji23]

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

I had a hard time not calling people out on that bullshit. Calling HCG a pregnant woman's urine extract is akin to calling water pregnant woman urine extract. It CAN BE FOUND in urine. What's worse is when I hear people say "eeww you wanna inject something that came from a woman's urine?!" No dipshit it is synthetic. They didn't literally siphon that shit from the pregnancy ward sewer pipes [emoji849][emoji58] goddamn people can be so fucking stupid.

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I agree on all accept the pct. That's just not correct. I've experienced both with and without pct and it's completely different. Will you recover without it? Maybe. Maybe not. Will the pct keep you from not being able to use your dick and depression, low energy etc. yes it will in my experience. At the very minimum one should use aromasin to prevent estrogen rebound unless people want to get gyno. Bottom line you're better off doing a pct if you want to keep gains and avoid going through that period of very low test.

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thats all a bunch of bull shit.. im sorry but unless you are on trt you need a pct... unless you feel like losing gains and completely ruining your life as you age, then you need to be running a pct...
I had a hard time not calling people out on that bullshit. Calling HCG a pregnant woman's urine extract is akin to calling water pregnant woman urine extract. It CAN BE FOUND in urine. What's worse is when I hear people say "eeww you wanna inject something that came from a woman's urine?!" No dipshit it is synthetic. They didn't literally siphon that shit from the pregnancy ward sewer pipes [emoji849][emoji58] goddamn people can be so fucking stupid.

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I beat my head against the wall when they started up that shit bro

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Reason i posted this is because like myself and others who are new to aas, we dont know right from wrong or safe from unsafe! Im now confused on if i should aspirate? I figure the needle will move when aspirating and cause pip, scar tissue or just be a waste of time now.................
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