
Smoking and Vaping


In a way, off topic but also in a way very relevant. How many of you smoke or vape? How detrimental is smoking or vaping to receiving gains? I currently vape at 3mg nicotine (for those who don't know it's the lowest amount) to give me nicotine craving. I have been vaping for about a year now and haven't really smoked since. Given, i've had an occasional cigarette here and there when times aren't going my way but nothing serious or consecutive. I have now ACCIDENTALLY [emoji23] cut caffeine out of diet (except for preworkout) and now want to work towards cutting out nicotine. Everyone that vapes claims vaping doesn't affect your health but i'm not sure if that's a bias answer. Obviously, vaping is better than smoking. For those who are knowledgeable in vaping, do you agree? For those who vape and have quit it all together, how'd you stop? I know the best way for me to stop vaping is for me get ride of my mod completely but once i do so I'm very worried that I might resort back to cigarettes. Perhaps vaping isn't such a strain and me quitting isn't a necessity. So many questions, i know.
Very interested in everyone's thoughts. Thanks!

Follow me on The Gram -- @justjaredd
Worst addiction there is I think is nicotine, I've done everything you can list, yes everything.
The only thing I couldn't quit was cigarettes or I should say the hardest thing.
Right now I'm 6 weeks no smoking, a battle I fought on and off for 20 years.

It's such a waste it disgusts me, but at the same time I crave it. I would like to think I'm done for good but I thought that when I quit for two years about 5 years ago.
All it takes is one as they say. So I've been eating extremely healthy lately, and working out for the past year plus straight so it was time to give it up. I'm hanging in there.

It is the most controlling addiction, I love the commercial where the girl signs the contract, because you are basically signing your life away. As far as health issues, vaping hasn't been around long enough to know the real effects, I know the fda is cracking down as I know a guy at work that is making juice and trying to get in biz. I have heard that some of the chemicals in it can cause popcorn lung which is not good.
I vape at 12mg, or less depending on what they have. I used to smoke and it is a truly disgusting and smelly habit. I'd rather lick a horses vag after delivering a fowl than smoke again.
Worst addiction there is I think is nicotine, I've done everything you can list, yes everything.
The only thing I couldn't quit was cigarettes or I should say the hardest thing.
Right now I'm 6 weeks no smoking, a battle I fought on and off for 20 years.

It's such a waste it disgusts me, but at the same time I crave it. I would like to think I'm done for good but I thought that when I quit for two years about 5 years ago.
All it takes is one as they say. So I've been eating extremely healthy lately, and working out for the past year plus straight so it was time to give it up. I'm hanging in there.

It is the most controlling addiction, I love the commercial where the girl signs the contract, because you are basically signing your life away. As far as health issues, vaping hasn't been around long enough to know the real effects, I know the fda is cracking down as I know a guy at work that is making juice and trying to get in biz. I have heard that some of the chemicals in it can cause popcorn lung which is not good.

That's awesome man, congrats. I commend you. I know scientifically speaking, 6 weeks is what it takes to create or break a habit. So it's safe to say it only gets easier from here. That's very true on the FDA deal. Everyone is uncertain they're doing it to keep the tobacco companies in business or vaping really is that bad for you. Although it's strange because the British government has taken a step behind vaping saying it works. I have also heard that about popcorn lung but didn't know if it was just more lies to stop vaping or once again, vaping is bad for you. Keep up the good work my friend.

Follow me on The Gram -- @justjaredd
In a way, off topic but also in a way very relevant. How many of you smoke or vape? How detrimental is smoking or vaping to receiving gains? I currently vape at 3mg nicotine (for those who don't know it's the lowest amount) to give me nicotine craving. I have been vaping for about a year now and haven't really smoked since. Given, i've had an occasional cigarette here and there when times aren't going my way but nothing serious or consecutive. I have now ACCIDENTALLY [emoji23] cut caffeine out of diet (except for preworkout) and now want to work towards cutting out nicotine. Everyone that vapes claims vaping doesn't affect your health but i'm not sure if that's a bias answer. Obviously, vaping is better than smoking. For those who are knowledgeable in vaping, do you agree? For those who vape and have quit it all together, how'd you stop? I know the best way for me to stop vaping is for me get ride of my mod completely but once i do so I'm very worried that I might resort back to cigarettes. Perhaps vaping isn't such a strain and me quitting isn't a necessity. So many questions, i know.
Very interested in everyone's thoughts. Thanks!

Follow me on The Gram -- @justjaredd

they carry 1.5mg as well
I vape at 12mg, or less depending on what they have. I used to smoke and it is a truly disgusting and smelly habit. I'd rather lick a horses vag after delivering a fowl than smoke again.

double on that

Follow me on The Gram -- @justjaredd
Don't fool yourself thinking vaping is healthier. We really don't know yet , not near enough research has been done. I'm not convinced at all its better for you. I quit cold turkey years ago. I never want to go back to that addiction.

you have strong willpower

Follow me on The Gram -- @justjaredd
I vape.It helped me kick a 30+ year cigarette habit more than gum,patches,meds or anything else.I've been cigarette free for almost a year & a half now,not even one puff.
It hasn't affected my cardio (vaping) although I notice if I do it too much I will get a little wheeze once in awhile.I'm sure it's not 100% safe but it's 100x's better than inhaling smoke & tar 20-30x's a day.I vape a lot less than I smoked too.I don't wake up in the morning hacking up a big brown/gray loogy like I used too.The last ten years I smoked I hated everything about it.The smell,the taste,the way it made my skin look,the way I got so easily winded,plus all the DAMN MONEY I spent killing myself slowly.
A lot of people say I'm fooling myself & say it's the same.They'll mention "popcorn lung" & shit but I'm so much better vaping than smoking.
I vape.It helped me kick a 30+ year cigarette habit more than gum,patches,meds or anything else.I've been cigarette free for almost a year & a half now,not even one puff.
It hasn't affected my cardio (vaping) although I notice if I do it too much I will get a little wheeze once in awhile.I'm sure it's not 100% safe but it's 100x's better than inhaling smoke & tar 20-30x's a day.I vape a lot less than I smoked too.I don't wake up in the morning hacking up a big brown/gray loogy like I used too.The last ten years I smoked I hated everything about it.The smell,the taste,the way it made my skin look,the way I got so easily winded,plus all the DAMN MONEY I spent killing myself slowly.
A lot of people say I'm fooling myself & say it's the same.They'll mention "popcorn lung" & shit but I'm so much better vaping than smoking.

I agree the first day I vaped was the last day I ever smoked. I deplore it so much that I don't even partake of the kronik simply because I hate the smell of smoking.
I agree the first day I vaped was the last day I ever smoked. I deplore it so much that I don't even partake of the kronik simply because I hate the smell of smoking.

Yup if I lived in a "legal for recreational use" state I'd be all over the kronik vapes & edibles.I only take a couple of hits but I know what you mean about that smoke smell & taste.I can't stand it but just think of it as bad tasting medicine. ;)
I vape at 12mg, or less depending on what they have. I used to smoke and it is a truly disgusting and smelly habit. I'd rather lick a horses vag after delivering a fowl than smoke again.
Same. I did 3mg for a while but it wasn't satisfying and I baked 3x as much. Sticking with 12 for now
i hate nicotine with a passion.. im sorry but my grandmother never smoked a day in her life and died from lung cancer due to second hand smoke, simply because she loved to play bingo... i fucking despise it with the biggest passion you could imagine... i have no remorse on that my thoughts on it and i never hold back... trust me, i talked shit to someone at a theme park this year because he was blowing his fucking smoke around all kinds of kids so i let him know exactly what i thought and the funny thing was, he started to try to make a smart remark until he turned around and saw i was not fucking around and that cigarette was on the ground and put out in a fraction of a second... i was going to light him up and i had no remorse on it...
I am a very militant anti smoker as well, and wont tolerate someone polluting my airspace.

I've been known to pick up cigarette butts, and throw them back in cars that toss them out as well.

With my deep deep diving, I deeply cherish my lungs, and physical fitness. Doing something so risky, I want the odds stacked in my favor. I've known too many dead divers, and pulled one dying to the surface and to shore once.
All with almost 250 pounds of gear on.

I wont let anything put me at risk I dont have direct control over, and 2nd smoke I wont tolerate one iota. Vaping or not.
I am a very militant anti smoker as well, and wont tolerate someone polluting my airspace.

I've been known to pick up cigarette butts, and throw them back in cars that toss them out as well.

With my deep deep diving, I deeply cherish my lungs, and physical fitness. Doing something so risky, I want the odds stacked in my favor. I've known too many dead divers, and pulled one dying to the surface and to shore once.
All with almost 250 pounds of gear on.

I wont let anything put me at risk I dont have direct control over, and 2nd smoke I wont tolerate one iota. Vaping or not.

im right there with you brother... im completely fine with marijuana smoke but absolutely not nicotine... none whatsoever...
I'm a former smoker, and quit years ago. It really was one of the best decisions of my life. There are times when I will be out having a few drinks with my wife, and grab a cigarette from her, but even that is rare, and I always regret it after taking a couple puffs. I'm a person that fully supports people enjoying their life however they see fit, within moderation, but smoking is one of those things that is just best to completely stay away from. I never have tried vaping, but I've also never had a desire to either my only vice is having a few drinks maybe once or twice a month.
I smoke one Newport before I go to bed at night... Only one. It's a nasty habit I know but I enjoy that one fricken cigarette... Lol

Pharma Lady Rep
Vaping is awesome! Haven't touched a cigarette in over 4 years. It's sad that our government is trying to destroy the vape industry and give control over to big tobacco. Soon vaping will be as bad if not worse than cigarettes once those shit heads get control.

I've never felt better since I switched. I quit smoking a few times, but it never lasted. Vaping is the one thing that really helped. Yes I technically switched habits and didn't actually "quit", but my health improved drastically once I did. It's true that we don't know everything about vaping yet, but all real unbiased research has shown that it's 95% healthier than smoking. Use some fucking common sense and look at the difference. Of course it's not "healthy", but it's a great harm reduction tool.

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They have recently linked vaping to be careful
"They" have huh? Who's "they"?

They also say that steroids are bad for you and will cause you to go on a raging murderous killing spree. We all know how true that is...

Every study I've seen that tries to show how bad vaping is has had major flaws. Remember the formaldehyde study? That was because they were running the vaporizers at absurd voltages for long periods of time. No person in their right mind would be puffing on that. When ran at the proper voltage there is zero formaldehyde or at least nothing out the ordinary to raise alarms.

The popcorn lung thing is bullshit as well. I believe they tested some shitty convenience store juice and surprise surprise... It was shitty. Vape juice should only have 4 ingredients... PG, VG, food grade flavoring and nicotine. What do you want to bet that those ingredients will skyrocket and so will the damage to your health once the tobacco companies have complete control.

As with most things, take what you hear with a grain of salt and do your own research. Europe is doing it right. Unfortunately here in the US it's money that wins and not the people. Who's going to keep the pharmaceutical companies rich if we all quit smoking? There's no profit in that.

We all have our bad habits. Just keep them in moderation.

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Nicotine as a vasoconstrictor. So yes it's bad. It's also poison. If you get even a drop
Or two of 100% pure nicotine on your skin you can die. Vaping is not harmless.

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