You need enough aromasin to run 12.5 mg eod at the least. Depending on how your bloods come back you may need to run higher doses and run it everyday. You'll have your bloods back before you get your supplies, so at least you'll know how much to dose. The Clomid needs to be ran at 50mg a day and the nolva at 40mg. MK needs to be ran at 25mg a day, so 1 bottle of MK is what you need and 20mg of GW a day so 1 bottle of GW is what you need. There are multiple places to get your pct products from and I don't think that Pure Essence has launched their PCT products yet. So, until Pure Essence releases their PCT products I would recommend this stack here it has everything you need EXCEPT the MK and GW
You can get your MK and GW from
Like I said you only need 1 bottle each of MK and GW but they have a 20% flash sale going until midnight tonight and the code is flash20. So, if you're able to, I would stock up on a few items because you can implement sarms anytime and in a multitude of different ways.
So, your pct should be the following
1-4 aromassin 12.5 mg every other day
1-4 Clomid 50/50/50/50
1-4 Nolva 40/40/30/20
1-4 MK2866 25/25/25/25
1-4 GW 20/20/20/20
That should get you back to normal. Don't forget to get some cycle assist to help heal your liver and other organs. Also, you can run the GW for an additional 8 weeks after your pct if you want and that would be 3 total bottles of GW.
Good luck.