Hey! Newb here. So I'm an avid crossfitter and am very small. I'm 5ft in the 100-105# weight range give or take, body fat in the 12-14% range. I'm very fast and great at all the gymnastics movements but really need to gain strength in my olympic lifts. I snatch body weight, DL 200#, clean and jerk 120#, overhead squat 125#, front squat 115# (one of my weaknesses), back squat 135# (another weakness). I just started a mk-2866 cycle and am doing 12.5Mg currently. I'm not using anything else because I don't want to. This is a push for me to even use this. My diet is clean but not over the top strict. Goals are more lean muscle mass and strength. Anybody have any recommendations for someone my size? I think I'm going to do 8 weeks but am open to suggestions and curious if I should ramp up my Mg intake??? I'm on day 5 of taking so far and just started to feel a little different in my workouts (I work out 5 days a week with one active recovery day and one full rest day). I don't know if that's mental or I'm really feeling different in my workouts now. Just overall sense of endurance and some strength. Aaaaaaaand go!