I've seen a few posts about sleeping pills. What does everyone here take whether it's otc or script. I've tried melatonin and otc sleeping pills. I also tried hydroxizine doc prescribed none work for me. PTSD and stress are keeping me up. Thus this 3am post. Thanks
Ask your doctor about belsomra I take 20 MG of it every night and it helps get to sleep and get a better sleep without becoming dependant like say ambiem does.
I really don't have any experience with sleep aids other than melatonin, why didn't really do much, but I will say ever since I started using MK-677 I'm getting the best sleep of my life
I really don't have any experience with sleep aids other than melatonin, why didn't really do much, but I will say ever since I started using MK-677 I'm getting the best sleep of my life