A shorter cycle means less time off between cycles simply because time on plus pct = time off. Reduce time on, reduce time off. Pct doesn't get shorter however because you are still shut down and need time to recover. There may depending on compounds run, be slightly less shutdown on a shorter cycle, but I would not opt for short cycles simply because I didn't want to be shut down as much.
Now, very long cycles can be harder to come back from, and I am not talking about a standard EQ run. When people stay on for extended periods you will see problems recovering because you kept your body shut down an irresponsibly long time. So I wouldn't opt out of an EQ cycle if it matches your goals simply because I was thinking short cycle = recovery easier.
For instance, an 8 week ten ace and test prop cycle will, in almost absolute certainty, shut you down more than a moderate test EQ cycle. EQ being rather mild and tren being MUCH more powerful and active of a compound.
Also, I am of the opinion that the gains you keep depend on diet and training ect. Not on cycle length. People's opinions vary here and it's ultimately about finding what works best for you.