did a first cycle of test only (TPP 350mg/wk). Gained ~30lbs. Added crazy size for my frame but some unwanted weight along with it.
I was hoping to gain enough to lean down after a cycle and still retain some gains. I am still 10 lbs up with about the same BF.
Here is the issue: I am former overweight hard gainer with a spare tire. 42 male. Insulin resistant ectomorph.
No matter what I do my love handles and gut is the first to grow and the last to go.
Neither cutting nor bulking make me look any better. Please spare me of dieting advice.
Looking for cycle advice to regain my size (and maybe add more) while loosing belly fat.
I think tren could turn things around for me but I do not think I am ready yet.
No long esters please! I need to be able to stop at any time to travel, if need be.
I live in a place where buying gear locally is no crime. Distribution and smuggling however is. So I opt out of ordering any SARMs (osta and GW banned over here).
My thinking was having something like low test+proviron, tbol, low DPP for 2nd cycle and perhaps tren for 3rd
If any of you have experience working with dudes in similar condition please advise on recomp protocol.
I feel my best on lower carb. Any fast carbs give me muffin tops in a matter of minutes.
I was hoping to gain enough to lean down after a cycle and still retain some gains. I am still 10 lbs up with about the same BF.
Here is the issue: I am former overweight hard gainer with a spare tire. 42 male. Insulin resistant ectomorph.
No matter what I do my love handles and gut is the first to grow and the last to go.
Neither cutting nor bulking make me look any better. Please spare me of dieting advice.
Looking for cycle advice to regain my size (and maybe add more) while loosing belly fat.
I think tren could turn things around for me but I do not think I am ready yet.
No long esters please! I need to be able to stop at any time to travel, if need be.
I live in a place where buying gear locally is no crime. Distribution and smuggling however is. So I opt out of ordering any SARMs (osta and GW banned over here).
My thinking was having something like low test+proviron, tbol, low DPP for 2nd cycle and perhaps tren for 3rd
If any of you have experience working with dudes in similar condition please advise on recomp protocol.
I feel my best on lower carb. Any fast carbs give me muffin tops in a matter of minutes.