No issues with drive or erection but an inability to ejaculate after ending a test/deca cycle. It was 500/280 most of the cycle and 700/280 at the end. TRT dose is 220 cyp/wo. I dropped my AI (Arimidex) from 1mg/d to 1mg E3D and 1w after last large injection, and then .5mg/wk at 2wk Bc my estrogen came back at an ideal 16 pcg/ml I think is the unit. The standard estriadol unit.
I didn't use any PCT as per the recommended switch back to TRT. Should I have used something and if so what and when? Thanks
If it's relevant, I started 10mg LGD bridge about 10 days ago.
I didn't use any PCT as per the recommended switch back to TRT. Should I have used something and if so what and when? Thanks
If it's relevant, I started 10mg LGD bridge about 10 days ago.