Yay for 4000wpm reading speed.
I have no idea what to answer you though. I’ve had my own medical issues with doctors and had to self-treat for the most part. I’ve also learned a lot about herbology in the past couple years for similar reasons, but I don’t know how to fix your issues.
I don’t show symptoms until I’m really sick. I found out I had three separate chronic bacterial infection sources (extracted three failed crowns to fix this), a systemic fungal infection (self treated), and hypothyroidism (self-treated, TSH levels were normal but had an enlarged thyroid), all concurrently, but didn’t know it. Just that I was easily fatigued and had a low immune system. After fixing those I felt a whole lot better.
I’ve also been having an elbow issue too, though my body fat might be too high to notice the tendons bit that you do.